I'll Be Right Here. (Streber x Reader Angst)

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Summary: You visit Streber at his 'haunted house' he's been so intent on finishing.
Word count: 1.1k
Proofread: yessir
Tw for blood and yeah Streber gets his arm ripped off

It was a lonely Halloween night. You stayed home working or whatever you wanted to do, just cause you felt like staying in this one Halloween. You enjoyed handing out candies to the kids who trick or treated, watching as they trotted away in their costumes, exclaiming 'thank you's and whatnot.

You and your boyfriend, Streber, had both made plans tonight to just gorge yourself with candy, watching any horror movie of his choice until you both fell asleep on the couch together. He seemed to be a fan of the idea, though you were the one to suggest it to cheer him up.

He was working on this haunted house he was so determined to finish on the past few weeks. It was honestly cute to see him so confident and focused on this one thing, spending all nighters on trying to go the extra mile for it.

Speaking of, you decided to go surprise him, walking over there now. Of course you left a bucket of candy outside your home, with a cardboard sign that said 'Take 1 only!' By the time you would've gotten back, it would be emptied by some dumb kids who probably dumped it into their bags full of candy. It was fine though, you had saved a stash of your own candy somewhere for tonight's plans.

Arriving at your destination, you walked up the steps. You looked around, your boyfriend not visible - you were confused for a slight moment until green smoke suddenly clouded the small area in front of the doorway that led to the 'haunted house.' A particular vampire fellow popped out of the doorway, raising his hands up in the air and wiggling his fingers.

He started in a supposedly deep and intimidating tone. "Welcome, to the hau- Oh, [Name]!" Streber recognized you immediately, running up to you and giving you a tight hug. You embraced him in your arms as did he you.

"I didn't think you'd come!" He says happily, giggling into your chest as you picked him up and spun him around briefly. "'Course, sweetheart!" You set him down and pulled away as you looked at his costume.

"Hey, nice costume. How long did it take?" You placed your hands on his shoulders as he looked up at you joyfully. "I can reveal that information later, but now you must face the horrors of the haunted house!" He pushed you over to the entrance, ushering you inside as he kept his cheery vampire act.

You chuckled at his antics. "Alright, alright.." You twisted around and gave him a quick peck on the lips before cautiously entering, leaving him blushing as he watched your frame disappear into the darkness.

After 5 minutes, you ran back out, giggling from the adrenaline of the experience. As you returned just to the entrance, you heard what sounded like soft sobbing coming from nearby. You thought it was Streber trying to prank you, as it was fairly common for him to do so.

"Streb? I know that's you, are you trying to do something?" A smirk played on your lips as you walked out, looking to your left to see Streber.

Normally you'd be elated to see your beloved, but for some reason, when you laid your eyes on him, you were appalled. A look of what could be described as grief appeared on your face, as you gasped in horror.

You would've thought this was a prank, but it looked way too realistic. Streber was found laying on the wooden material, tears streaming down his face as he gripped his side with his right arm - where his left arm was supposed to be. Instead it was replaced with blood, red pooling everywhere around him as he simply sobbed and whimpered. You spotted a bone on the floor too, which didn't help with your state of shock at all.

He noticed you standing there, looking at you helplessly, reaching his arm out to you desperately as he attempted to call out. "[Name]..." His voice was hoarse, as his eyes were filled with tears streaming down his face as well as the eyeliner he had on.

You raced into action, immediately rushing to his side as you felt tears poking at your eyes. You kneeled beside him, lifting his body and holding it close to you.

"Streber!? Oh my god, I'm so sorry baby, it's okay, your gonna be okay.." His sobs only broke your heart, as his one arm gripped onto the cloth of your shirt. He was getting blood all over your clothes, but you didn't care. All that mattered at the moment was Streber's well-being.

"[Name]... I'm scared..please help." He wheezed out in pain. It only continued to break your heart as you watched him practically die right in front of your eyes.

"Nonono, shh, baby, I'm getting help." Tears had already begun to pour out as you pulled your phone out of your pocket, dialing the number 911 into your phone.

"911, what's your emergency?" The voice of a woman came over the phone, but the only thing you could really hear at this point was Streber's sniffles and sobs, which only continued to break your heart with every sound he made.

"Please send an ambulance, my boyfriend's bleeding out! His arm's been ripped off!" You cried out to the operator, begging for assistance.

"Okay, where are you?" You gave her the address quickly, before abruptly hanging up and throwing your phone aside. You hugged Streber, holding him until help came.

"S-Streb, it's gonna be okay... I love you so so much, your gonna be okay." His sobs and whines were like knives stabbing right through your heart. The worst part was that you felt so powerless in this situation, knowing you could do nothing but watch him cry for help as he bled out right in your arms.

"Hey, listen - we're gonna go home and watch any horror movie you want, o-okay? A-And we'll eat lots of candy, and fall asleep on the couch cuddling together. I promise you, your gonna stay h-happy and healthy. Your gonna live a l-long, long life..." You stumbled over your sentences, your voice breaking many times as your voice shook with every word.

Streber could only nod and cling onto you, burying his face into your chest with his now one arm wrapped over your shoulder, using all his strength to hold on as his blood poured onto your clothing, staining it. You both continued to weep together for what felt like forever.

"I'll always be right here, Streb..."

- - -

This needs a part 2 lol#FUCKYOUBOB 🔥🔥🔥🔥

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