Close (Ross x M! Reader)

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I'm currently hyperfixated on Ross and I HAD to write this idea I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH LIKE ID COMMIT SO MANY CRIMES FOR HIM AND MOREE!!!!

I'll show an art piece me and a friend at school worked on sometime, plus the image we based it off of! But for now here's a lil fic since I love him ❤️❤️ *hyperfixates*

Pairing: Ross x Male Reader
Content: reader is obv around the same age (not specified what age), 2nd pov (will try 3rd pov sometime soon), morning cuddles, just pure fluff with my favourite boy <3
Summary: You and the hatzgang are hanging out until it gets dark. Everyone has to leave, but Ross invites you to have a sleepover at his place, since his mom isn't home.
Proofread: Mostly.

That cold fall air breezed around your face and ears, you noticed it was getting chillier everyday. But when you were with your friends, you always felt warm inside, like you were cared for. Ross, Roy, and Robert were your only friends at the moment. They were pretty cool, you were transferred to their school about a year ago and you all have been best friends since then. But Ross seemed to have caught your heart. Just every time you looked him in the eye... you were like a deer in headlights. Staring into those deep dark eyes that gave you comfort.

"Y/n? Y/n! Did you hear me?" Roy looked up at you expectantly, his arms crossed and a frown on his face along with furrowed brows. Robert was leaning against the slide at the playground, while Ross sat on one of the steps. You were standing idly in the middle of them while Roy talked off about something you weren't paying attention to...

Shoot, you were zoning out again.

"Uh- yeah, yeah." You responded quickly.

"Good. So when?"

"What? When what?" Roy sighed dramatically as he stomped his foot on the ground, clearly frustrated. "When are you allowed to go out for trick or treating with us?! Gosh, you never listen!"

Oh, so that's what he was talking about. "Oh- sorry man, uh, my parents said that I'm allowed to go out at 7." You stuffed one of your hands in your pockets as you scratched the back of your neck with the other.

"Good! Now you better come trick or treating with us!" Roy whined. You internally sighed, you were really tired and spacing out... you feel like you could just collapse right now.

"Okay, so I've gotta go home now before my mom gets mad. I'll see you guys later." Roy started to walk off.

"Hey, I've gotta get going too, but it was nice hanging out with you guys." Robert grabbed his skateboard and started to follow Roy the way back to his house.

"Well... guess it's just us then." You said to Ross, shifting your gaze towards him. "Yeah, guess so..." There was a long pause before you sat down next to him on the metal steps.

"So.. what's been on your mind lately?" Ross tilted his face slightly towards you. "Hm?"

"You've been.. zoning out a lot, this week." You rested your wrists on your knees. "Oh, I dunno, just been really tired I guess.." In that moment, your eyes felt extremely heavy.

"You wanna come sleepover at my place? My mom is gonna be working pretty late tonight." You looked at him, almost being captivated by his looks. "Oh.. yeah, of course. My parents are gone too. I mean, uh, they're just busy.." Ross smiled softly at that. "Great. Wanna go now?"

You nodded as he got up and started walking towards his house, you trying to keep the same pace as him. You two talked all the way about whatever you were gonna do or homework until you finally got to his house 15 minutes later.

Stepping into his cozy house and kicking your shoes off, it was way better than being out there. You settled down on his couch and immediately felt sleepy, a force pulling your body to the soft leather couch. Ross kept most of the lights off, except for a lamp next to the couch.

He turned on his PS4 and sat next to you, grabbing the controller and selecting a game. "You can fall asleep while I play video games, if you want." You yawned in response. "Sounds good.." You leaned your body into him as he shifted into a comfortable position.

"If you ever get scared or something, you can always come to my room.." He said a bit sheepishly. But in response you nodded, folding your arms and leaning back in your hoodie as you slowly drifted off in just a few minutes, the background noise of the tv playing in the distance...

You opened your eyes slowly to see darkness. You rubbed your eyes and sat up, trying to look around the room. It was a little dark to see, but you noticed the lamp next to the couch and switched it on. You tried to remember what happened...

Right, your at Ross' house. You were watching him play video games before you went to sleep. But you weren't lying down? Maybe he just put you in a more comfortable position. Didn't matter though, you needed to know what time it was.

It clearly wasn't morning yet, but now you felt like you couldn't go back to sleep, so you remembered what Ross said.

"You can always come to my room.." Now you were tempted to. But you didn't really wanna bother him. Then again, Ross is super chill, especially around you. You said why not and walked upstairs to his room.

Walking up to his door, you were nervous, but slowly creaked it open. "Ross?" You softly called out. The response you got was a "Mmh?" You felt bad for waking him, but you couldn't sleep.

"Can I uh, can I sleep with you?" You couldn't see his face but you could see the outline of him sleeping, just barely. Everything was dark.

"Yeah, of course." He sounded more awake but still tired. You just said a soft 'thanks' and walked towards his bed, and pulled yourself under the blanket.

You woke up to a strange warmth, opening your eyes to the sun glaring in your eyes through bedroom curtains. It must've been early. You looked around to see Ross next to you, cuddling up to you.

You were flustered, to say the least - you didn't know why you were enjoying the closeness of him. Were you..crushing on Ross?

You never really thought of it like that. Maybe in the back of your mind sometimes, but you never saw yourself with Ross. But your heart warmed at the thought of it.

But.. would he ever be interested in you? You didn't even know if he was into guys, you never asked, nor did he tell you, but now you felt like you needed to know.

You guys never really talked much about this kind of stuff, but now you sort of wish you had. For now though, you decided to embrace this moment, and hold Ross close until you fell back asleep.

Waking up once again, Ross was shifting beside you, him clearly awake. He wasn't holding onto you anymore, still really close but his arms were no longer around you.

You secretly longed for his touch, but stayed quiet about it, sitting up and stretching before turning to Ross.

"Morning." You said. He smiled at you. "Good morning." He said back in a groggy voice. He also got up and stretched before hopping off the bed, walking towards his bedroom door.

"Want breakfast?" You nodded in response and got up along with him, following him downstairs. Walking into the kitchen and sitting on one of the chairs at the table, he asked if you wanted waffles.

You obviously said yes (who wouldn't?/j) and munched on some together. After breakfast was finished, Ross asked when you wanted to leave.

"My parents will be home late, I'll stay for a bit til we can hang out with Roy and Rob." He nodded in response.

"You wanna listen to some Korn in my room? Just.. chill?" You smiled and nodded, following him upstairs.

The two of you spent the next hour relaxing in his room as he played Korn songs on his stereo. You enjoyed his company, and he enjoyed yours.

For now, you were fine with just how you were. But maybe one day you'd tell him about your feelings? It was nothing to worry about right now. For now you could just relax with him.

- - -

I was listening to Korn while writing the last bit of this so I just decided to add it in somehow lol. Got longer than I expected but I'm kinda proud of it. May have gotten a little worse towards the end, but it's all good.

Part 2? :)

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