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╰➠🤎[𝘜𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺]🪐

Milori sighed.
“My abilities are destructive. Always have been, ive never been able to get a handle on them. The best i can do is infuse a tiny amount of energy into my hands to make light.” She sighed. Curling her fist together and squeezing it tight, when it opened tiny little balls of blue energy glowed and lifted to the ceiling like balloons, roaming around the room like burrs in the wind.

“Yes Miss Stark, we already know about your fragile nature. I know you've been dancing around the subject but you need to give us a straight answer.” Nezu spoke with a cheery voice. Milori grumbled and lowered herself in her seat.
“Fine…” She grumbled.

“Arc energy.”

“I can manipulate arc energy. The clean energy source.” She reiterated a bit annoyed. Nezu hummed in curiosity.
“How did you manage to achieve that?” He asked a sly grin across his fluffy face.
“I already told you im not going to share that.” She sighed, clearly annoyed by the mouse.

“Miss Stark, if you arent going to tell us how you came across this power than you should at least explain it to us.” Nezu insisted, a slightly irritated smile on his face. Milori grunted, rolling her eyes.
“Arc energy as you all know is a clean energy source invented by my father, Anthony Stark.” She dragged on her point, as if to purposely annoy the staff.
“I gained my abilities through odd means and i have become a human arc reactor.” She sighed.

“And what does being a human arc reactor entail exactly?” Nezu asked again. Milori groaned.
“I'm a human car battery. An energy source. In theory i can expand that power and use it to fire energy beams, regenerate stamina, enhance speed and strength, even manipulate spacial matter.” She listed off a few examples.

“If you can do all that whats the problem?” Present mic asked. Milori gave him an exasperated look.
“Notice how i said in theory?” She asked, her tone dumbed down like how you would speak to a child.
“Its because any time i try to do anything that requires more than making a light source it blows up in my face.” She sighed.
“I have failed over, and over, and over again.” she dragged her hands down her face in frustration.

“Do you think I was just not using my powers in the test to fuck with you?” She asked.
“yeah kinda.” mic shrugged. Milori stopped herself before she responded.
“Okay well I was messing with you a bit- but it was mostly because I would have blown this place up if I tried.” She explained

“Well Miss Stark, we now have a clear road to improvement!” Nezu smiled.
“However before this interview ends there is something we need to ask.” Nezu’s expression dropped, it turned much more solemn and serious. Milori nodded.

“When we take on students we look at their files, for inklings of bad behaviour and criminal history.” Nezu explained. Milori was a bit confused, she hadnt broken the law. Or at least she didnt think she had.
“And while we were looking through your records we found something… alarming.” Nezu stopped himself before continueing hesitating, as if he was walking on a glass floor that would break any second

“While we were looking at records we came across a long list of child services investigations.” As soon as Nezu finished Milori stiffened.
“Oh…that.” She lowered her tone, her voice barley a whisper

There were alot of child services investigations around her dad. Too many to count, okay that was a lie there was like eight, but still. Most of them were suspected of neglect and mistreatment, but they never stuck. Child services always deduced that because her dad was rich he had to be a good dad. Yeah, the American government's child care is awful.

“Its not that big of a deal. Just a few whackjob employees making random accusations” She lied. She wasnt going to tell them, as much as she loathed her father she wasnt willing to destroy his entire career, she wasnt that spiteful. Yet.

“Well Miss Stark, if you ever feel like talking to us about this please do.” Nezu happily nodded. Milori sighed, getting up from her seat.
“Thanks for your time.” She muttered before closing the door.

She walked out the front doors and sighed as she walked to the front of the building. The sun was setting, it coated the school in orange and yellow hues. A beautiful sight that Milori couldnt even appreciate.

People always say that things get better. And Milori really hoped they were right. Because if they didn't get better quick Milori was considering actually becoming a stupid hero.


𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗦 𝗕𝗨𝗥𝗡 𝗢𝗨𝗧➠🪐Where stories live. Discover now