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╰➠🤎[𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦]🪐

“I remember when I was little my Mom would always defend me. It didn't matter how small the threat was, she would fight like my life was in danger…” Milori chuckled.
“I remember once she picked me up from kindergarten, there was some other Mom, she made some dumb comment and with no hesitation my Mom got up and punched her in the face.” Milori laughed. Kaminari blinked, watching her speak intently.

“I think my favorite memory of her was when she took me to the science center.” She smiled.
“She let me goof off in all the kid sections, she never even thought of telling me to pay attention to any of the boring stuff. She didn't care, she just wanted me to be happy.” Milori softly laughed, tiny little tears starting to fall down her cheeks.

“That's what parents are supposed to do.” Kaminari sighed. Milori frowned,
“Yeah, I guess it is huh?” She mumbled. She had been so far from any parental affection for so long, it was hard to remember what was amazing and what was the bare minimum.

Kaminari choked,
“But- I'm sure she was great! Sorry i didn't mean to say she wasn't-” He tripped over his words trying to fix his mistake. Milori sighed and wiped away her tears with her hoodies sleeves,
“No, it's okay. You gotta look at things without rose tinted glasses.” She chuckled sadly.

Kamianri sucked in a breath. Here goes nothing… He wrapped his arms around her, and squeezed her tight. Hugging her. Milori’s hands were shaky, hovering around Kaminaris back, but not settled. Kaminari winced, she didn't want to hug did she?

Just as he was about to pull away Milori pulled him closer, holding him tight and cried into his shoulder. Under all of her sadness there was a feeling she couldn't explain, like there was a frog in her throat ready to jump out. It felt awkward and uncomfortable, but at the same time so comforting and sweet. Part of her wanted the feeling to stay forever, the other hated it, she couldn't understand it.

Kaminari blushed. Letting her pull him closer. They both stayed there, neither were sure of how long. As long as they needed it, that was all that mattered. It was all that mattered to them at least.


Tony sighed, walking out of the private booth. The sports festival was over. Now he could start thinking about who to request for an internship.

obviously he would send a request to Milori but he was considering sending a request for the blasty boy as well…

An obvious fake cough rang out from behind him. Tony turned around and spotted the eraserhead leaning against the hallway wall.
“Stark.” He greeted in his monotone voice, a tint of resentment in it.

“Eraser.” Tony nodded. There was a beat of silence between the two men. Eraser glared at him.
“What are you doing here?” Eraser asked. Tony sighed,
“I'm here to look for interns. I'm sure you're well aware of that.” Tony mumbled. Eraserhead sighed,
“You shouldn't be here.” Eraser voiced.

“You said I should try to heal our relationship, what do you want from me?” Tony scoffed. Eraser sighed,
“She's still healing from everything. You being here won't help, in fact it's only going to make things worse.” Eraser huffed. Tony grit his teeth.

“I'm trying okay!?” What do you want me to do!?” He objected.
“To listen to your kid, maybe if you left your head once in a while you would see she doesn't want to see you.” Eraser seethed. Tony froze, curling up his fists.

“Just do yourself a favor, don't bother with sending her an internship request.” Eraser walked off. Leaving Tony once again, all alone in the hallway.

𝗨𝗣 𝗡𝗘𝗫𝗧:𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘶𝘮𝘢 𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘥

𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗦 𝗕𝗨𝗥𝗡 𝗢𝗨𝗧➠🪐Where stories live. Discover now