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╰➠🤎[𝘕𝘦𝘸 𝘥𝘢𝘸𝘯]🪐

“Sup.” Midoriya turned back to find Milori standing in the doorway. Milori was sipping on a soda, a couple bandaids on her face.
“You guys were great out there!” Midoriya complimented. Milori flashed him a smile.

She walked up to the observation area, a large screen showing a new arena.
“Who's up right now?” She asked, sipping on the straw.
“Oh! Uraraka and Aoyama are up against Thirteen.” Midoriya noted. Milori hummed,
“Thirteen, huh? Her quirk’s pretty versatile… Wonder what their plan is.” Milori looked up at the screen.

Didn't look like they had much of a plan since they were both clutching onto a railing for dear life as Thirteens black hole approached. But whatever, they could manage it. Suddenly Uraraka let go of the railings, Thirteen instinctively deactivated the black hole, giving Uraraka enough time to quickly cuff Thirteen, ending the match.

“Huh, guess she really learned something with Gunhead.” Milori hummed, taking another sip.
“Wow! Great idea! Use your opponent's ability against them!” Midoriya cheered. Milori shrugged,
“I dunno, it seemed like she lost focus and let go, didja see the look on her face? Prime embarrassment if ya ask me.” Milori observed.

“Huh, really?” Midoriya turned towards her.
“Yeah, they were talking. I wonder what Aoyama said that got her so up in arms.” Milori questioned.
“Huh, too bad thirteens quirk is so loud. We probably could have heard them otherwise…”

The door to the observation room opened, and Iida and Momo walked through.
“Took you long enough speedy.” Milori joked,
“They had to get my body out of the dirt, it's not my fault i had injuries.” Iida argued formally. Milori sighed, he really didn't know what a joke was, did he?

“Huh, now that this match is over. Who's up next?” Tsuyu asked. Milori had honestly forgotten she was there, the frog girl had some damn good stealth skills.
“Ashido and Kaminari are up next. They're going to have to fight against principal Nezu.” Momo answered.

Milori shivered,
“May heaven be on their side…” She mumbled. Milori didn't even believe in god but if he did exist he would fear what he had created. The cute and kinda funny looking rodent was fearsome in intelligence, he could make any man fear for his life.

Milori experienced his cunning first hand in her interview. He was smart, manipulative, and cute. The perfect trap. The screen turned back on, the environment was mainly made of metal. A factory landscape. Mina and Kaminari were put at the center of the stage.
“Both of their quirks are fairly chaotic and destructive, putting them around something like metal seems like an advantage.” Midoriya thought aloud.
“Exactly. They’ll both be sure of themselves, don't underestimate Nezu. That thing is a monster.”  Milori shivered.

Suddenly a large crane burst through the metal, making Mina and Denki rush off.
“What's going on!?” Iida yelled, looking at the screen.
“Nezu’s inciting panic. The more scared and stressed you are the easier it is to make mistakes.” Milori pointed out.
“That's why he used such a large machine, the bigger the threat, the more you panic.” Momo conquered.

Mina and Denki started to leave bits of acid and electricity behind them. Trying to cover their tracks. It went silent for a bit, the small mics could pick up bits of their conversation.
“What do we do!?” Mina yelped silently, attempting to keep quiet.

Denki frantically looked around, suddenly stopping and pulling out an item from his jacket. Miloris eyes widened as she watched the screen. He pulled out a small flash grenade. Milori bit her lip, she… she had made him that.

𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗦 𝗕𝗨𝗥𝗡 𝗢𝗨𝗧➠🪐Where stories live. Discover now