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In Heaven...

Charline P.O.V
"T-thank you miss..."said another one of the children I was taking to Heaven. "No need to thank me now, innocent children like you deserve to be in Heaven"I said to them. My name is Charline or others would say  'Mistress Death'. I am the one who guides dead souls to the new homes in Heaven or Hell.

"Hello sister"said a familiar voice interrupting my train of thought. Looking to my left I saw one of the Arch Angels who I grew up with, Raphael. "Hello Raph, you showed up at the right time. I need you to take these kids up there for me"I said. "Don't you-" "No, and you already know the reason". I promised myself never to enter the gates of Heaven, for    personal reasons.

Back in Hell...

I went back to my Mansion back in Hell. All I need right now is a relaxing bath. In case you're wondering, I'm not an Angel nor a Demon. I lie between those two making me capable of  traveling through Heaven, Earth and Hell. "Mistress~ you've got mail~"shouted my old time assistant Jane. She was one of the sinners I took with me because I felt sorry for her being alone in this literal hell hole. I signaled for her to come in " What is it? Can you read it for me?" I said. "Alright, but you're not gonna like it" she said. So my suspicion was true, this isn't gonna be good.

~Dear Mistress Death~

You have been invited to the overlord meeting that's scheduled to happen in the coming day.

It would be much appreciated by his Highness for you to attend the meeting and you are insisted to come.

If not you will be charged with treason to the Royal family and therefore be 'punished' by the king himself.

§Thank you for your time.§

"Wow, that was umm unexpected"said  Jane while picking out an outfit in the closet. This was definitely unexpected indeed, it's been decades since I've been here and the Royal family has never noticed my existence. This is very suspicious indeed. I never thought that in the future I will have to go to the castle, and just to see his face again.

"Jane give me the letter"I took the the letter from Jane, and read it again to solve this mystery. "Mhhh this is-" "There isn't anything wrong with the letter Lin. Just get ready for bed, I've already picked out an outfit for  tomorrow, so please go to bed"said Jane while tidying up the room, I can never get how she got everything done while making sure I'm in top top shape. Well I guess that one of the good things of having a multitasking assistant. "Alright Jane, but make sure you get some rest too. You need it more than I do, goodnight Jane"I said to her. "Sleep well Mistress"she said while closing the door.

A few minutes after Jane left, I started to think about the past. 'What the hell do they want from me? It's been so many decades and now they notice my existence. I mean I did kinda raise Charolette for a few years but I they never saw me.' As always I started to overthink about this, I'm sure there isn't anything to worry about right? Lying on my bed for a few more minutes, sleep started to overtake me and I fell into the dark abyss of my dreamland.

Hey I hope you liked my first chapter. I know there are some things that are confusing but it will be explained in future chapters. So umm thanks for reading.

Oh and before I forget, you will all be seeing a lot of A/N's in between the fanfic so sorry for the interruptions.

Thanks again bye~

650 words

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