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It's been years since Charline came to heaven and she lived peacefully with all of the Angels. Everything was going great, she even got the chance to finally see her mother in heaven.

She made friends with all of God's eight children, but she was closest with the eldest one, Samael.

"Samael...! Charline...!"sounded a small voice behind them. The two of them sat at their favourite spot watching humans go about in their lives. But soon got interrupted by Samael's youngest sibling. "Oh? Raph, what are you doing here...?"asked Charline opening her arms so that she could carry the young Angel in her arms.

"Look what I helped father to create...!"he said while take out a small slithering animal. He smiled at both of the adults. "We call it a serpent, we use it's venom to create medicine... To heal...!"he shouted with stars in his eyes. Samael picked up the serpent. "Isn't it just amazing?!" "Yes, it's a fascinating creature Raph..."said Charline while patting the little creature.

"And I also think that you should keep her!" "Really little brother?"asked Samael all the while surprised by his little brother's gesture. "Then I promise to take good care of her..."

"Raphael! Where are you?!"shouted a small voice that came from behind them. Charline was quick to turn to the grey eyed angel in Samael's hands. "Raph, I think it is time you go and play with the others.."she said while patting his head. The little boy complained "But I don't want too go! I want to stay here with the both of you!" "Well you can't always be around Angels who are older than you love, you have to start playing with Angels your age.." The both of them were at it for a few minutes but in the end, Charline finally got Raphael to leave them.

"You do know that you have to stop babying my siblings, the might have as well treat you like their mother.." said Samael while wrapping his arms around Charline's waist. "Oh calm down Sam, it's not like they will start to call me 'mother'"she laughed at the thought of Camael or Jophael calling her mother. It would be a comedic sight. "Oh yes they will my dear, especially the young ones they you oh so dearly love"

Charline pouted at Samael's words, so she pried out of his grasp. "Well then, since you don't like me babying any of your siblings I should stop babying you too seeing that I'm always giving you a lot of affection.."she flew of angrily not waiting to hear Samael's response.

A few minutes later...

Samael flew all around Heaven trying to find the angry Angel. He searched up and down, left and right, he even asked around but still came out empty handed. Searching finally tired him out as he slumped down on their favourite lookout spot.

He peeked down to see what the mortals are doing. But after a few minutes he saw a familiar blob of blonde in a glistening blue lake. It took a few seconds for him to figure it out but he finally realized that it was indeed the Angel he was looking for. Therefore descended down from Heaven. Upon arriving, he hid himself behind an apple tree not wanting to alert and anger Charline any further.

He took a small glimpse of her only to freeze in his exact spot, feeling a blush rush to his face. His face was so red it would put the apples on top of him to shame. Because Infront of him there was a beautiful Angel bathing in the lake. Her golden shiny hair blending perfectly with the crystal blue lake, while the sunlight brought out her delicate pale skin. A few seconds later, Samael was brought out of his hypnotized state and he flew back to heaven.

Hours later...

"...-if you were gonna help?" "Huh?" "Sam, are you even listening to me?!" asked Azrael, who was trying to get her brother's attention but failed miserably because his attention was on something else. "SAM!!!"shouted Azrael who managed to finally get Samael's attention. "Huh what is it Azra?"he said diverting his attention to his younger sister.

"I said I was thinking of making a patrol group for all of us Arch angels. I had this idea when father said that the mortals are starting to corrupt, so I thought taking turns to guard them is not a bad idea."said Azrael, explaining her plan to her brother. " It does sound like a good idea, but do you mind if we involved a few non-arched into the plan?" " You just want to spend more time with Lin, don't you?"asked Azrael." I'll take your silence as a yes"

" Brother, what you have with Lin is really beautiful but please, I'm begging you in our father's name, don't do anything that will get you both in trouble..."said Azrael in a serious voice. She the smiled at her brother and walked away without another word.

Samael stood there, thinking about what his sibling said to him. 'She's right but... I can't help but to want to break heaven's rules'he thought to himself while glaring at the clouds beneath him. His left eye turned red but he blinked it away after feeling something menacing around him. 'No... What am I thinking, I should go and find Lin'he thought while he spread out his wings and flew of to a random direction in heaven.


Hello my lovelies~! Sorry about the late update, I didn't warn you about it though.

I hope you all loved catching a glimpse of our main characters past, so in the next chapter we're going back to the present time where everyone is locked in a room while Jane is being our story teller...

Thanks for reading, don't forget to vote and comment..

I love you all! And thank you!

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