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Charline P.O.V

"I called you all here today to discuss the matter of Charolette opening a hotel to help demons redeem themselves"said Lucifer. "Yes your right sir, this should be stopped immediately"said Vox. Mmh I sometimes wonder why Vox is trying to get into Lucifer's good side, when we all know that Alastor is the favourite. Speaking of Alastor, where is that walking hazard(A/N: Sorry...) I haven't seen him since his last rampage. "Yes, the idea of it seems so utterly ridiculous."laughed the overlord next to me. "I don't think it's a bad idea."when I uttered those words all of them looked at my like I'm crazy. "How dare you object the king."said Lucifer. "With all due respect Lucifer, I don't think Charlie's idea would be so bad"  "And why is that?"he asked. "It's because it will help with Hell's population rate. Look at it like this, if demons redeem themselves we will have less suffering by the end of every year."I finished my rant. The whole room was quiet for a moment, with me and Lucifer glaring at each other. Only a fool wouldn't feel the intense tension in the room.

After a few seconds of glaring, I turned to leave. "Jane, let's go."I said. "But Mistress the-"  "Jane. Let's. Go"I interrupted her not wanting to be here any longer. Before I could walk out the door I said "Y'know, you should actually try staying at her Hotel, even for a day. It might be a good experience for you." After that I left heading to the used to be Happy Hotel.

Mini time skip

When I arrived the hotel was a bit quieter than I expected. "Hello, Charolette?! Are you here?!"I shouted only to bump into a bar and saw a very familiar cat-demon Husk. "Hey, Husky!"  "For the last time lady stop calling me that!"he shouted not liking the nickname I call him by. I met Husk  when he died and I might say, he was quite the character. Either way, we became good friends. "Fine, sorry. So anyways where is everyone?"I asked. Just before he could answer, the others bursted through the door. "Hey everyone!"I shouted gaining the attention of the 3 people who entered. "Auntie?! What are you doing here?"asked the now young demon in front of me. "I came to stay here for a while...."I said trailing off at the end of my sentence. "Okay you can tell me what it is"said Charolette.

"It's your father, I think he's planning on doing something about your hotel, so I came here just in case."I said while walking towards her. I've known Charolette since she was a toddler. After leaving Heaven I came here and met this cute positively and optimistic half Angel. Back then I wasn't able to figure out 'the truth' but when I did, I couldn't bring myself to destroy their happy family.  So I stayed and partly raised her as an Aunt. Heh- imagine your own child calling you "Auntie." (A/N: Oops....)

"Oh I thought he didn't care."she said looking at me confused. Just as we spoke, a male voice chimmed in on our conversation. "Hey love."they said. "Oh hey Anthony!"I said to the most popular porn star in Hell, who is also my friend. When I took his soul from Earth I felt sympathy for him. Even if we became friends, after I brought him here he started being secretive, especially after he became a pornstar. But I don't wanna pry into his career, even though it makes me very curious. "Hey c'mon it's 'Angel Dust'  I've told you a thousand times already"he pouted acting as if he was a toddler who wanted a new toy but didn't get it. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry I'll stop calling you by your name"I said to him.

"Thank you for coming here, it'll be really great if you stay."said Charolette while hugging my slightly tall figure. "AHA- This proves my suspicion! You two are mother and daughter!"shouted Angel Dust. "Why say that, Anthony?"I asked. He then began his investigation. "It's because you both look almost exactly alike"he said. I then bursted out laughing, not caring about how they stared at me. 'its actually so true it hurts' I thought to myself trying to mask the sadness I'm starting to feel. "Stop joking around Anthony, c'mon Vagatha. Can you show me to where I'll be staying?" I asked while dragging the grumpy girl. "It's Vaggie."she grumbled.

Time and skip skip skip...

Narrator P.O.V

When Charline arrived at her room she quickly unpacking her clothes and after that she showered. ' I'm so tired, that meeting surely drained my energy. I wonder if they will take my advice on coming here?' she thought to herself. Not wanting to think about it further, she relaxed herself in the warm water. A few minutes later she fell asleep.

Man... I was planning on writing more but I guess luck wasn't on my side today...

I'm sorry for this short chapter but I'll make it up on the next one...

Thanks for reading...

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