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I am so so so so a million times sorry!! I just noticed that that the chapter cut in the end!

I sincerely apologize to you guys!! I was so focused on my Exams, I didn't notice...

Again I'm sorry!!!

Narrator P.O.V

While Jane was telling everyone the story. Charline returned to the hotel hours later.

'Where is everyone?'she asked herself, looking around the corridor. "Well look who it is~" said a soft voice behind Charline. She turned only to be met with the last face she hoped to see. "What do you want Lilith, I don't have time for your shit." The demoness chuckled at Charline's comment. "Oh dear no need to be hostile~"said Lilith while going down the stairs going closer to Charline.

"You have a lot of fucking nerve telling me not to be 'hostile' to you! As far as I'm concerned I have the right to treat you as I see fit!"shouted Charline while pointing up at the tall demoness. Lilith noticed their height difference and laughed, and she knew very much that she was pissing off the hybrid infront of her.

Charline summoned her Cythe and pointed it to Lilith. "Don't you dare fucking look down on me!!" shouted Charline getting ready to end Lilith where she stands. Lilith just stood there unmoving at the radiating threatening aura from Charline. Just as Charline was about to attack Lilith, she was interrupted by a booming voice up the stairs.


The two ladies looked at the top of the stairs only to see the demon king looming over them. "What. Are. You. Doing?" he asked with his voice dripping with venom. The silence in the room only made him angrier "ANSWER ME!!" he shouted making Charline flinch.

For the first time in a thousand years Charline was cowering in fear as demonic sharp red eyes glared at their direction. Charline froze staring deep into those eyes, the eyes that were as bright as the sun, the eyes that always looked at her with love and warmth, the're we're now glaring at her with coldness but she noticed that when he stared at Lilith there was a glint of hatred that quickly vanished.

He descended down the stairs and stood over the two women infront of him. "M- my love we were-" "Get out" said Lucifer looking over Lilith. The demoness was about to protest but seeing that it will get her to more trouble, she walked out of the room.

The moment Lilith left, Charline found herself pinned to the wall, Lucifer caging her in his arms. "W-what do you want?"asked Charline, cursing herself for stuttering. Lucifer remained quiet, he only hooked his fingers under Charline's chin so she could look at him. Seeing Charline in such a state made his heart tremble.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you"he said in a soft voice. At that familiar tone of voice, Charline looked at him in the eyes. They both stared at each other for a while, lost in each other's presence.

What they both didn't notice was their close proximity to another. They were so close their noses were almost touching.

(A/N: Quick question you guys, does Lucifer have a nose?)


"Yes love?"

"We can't..."

"Well I can make it possible, I am the King of hell after all~"

Charline finally snapped out of her daze. "I meant we can't do this! We can't be together like we did before!" she said, distancing herself from the devil. Just as she was about to walk away, Lucifer grabbed her wrist. They both remained silent.

"You dare disobey your King?"

Noticing Lucifer's anger, Charline turned to face his red eyes. "King?" she laughed in his face "don't make me laugh. Because last time I checked I'm not a demon nor angel, so you and him don't have the right to boss me around!"

"And last time I checked Charline, you are living in my kingdom"

Charline went silent after that. They both glared at each other, the room stuck in a deep silence.

After a few seconds, Charline broke their eye contact. She walked away from him without a word. She walked along the marked corridors, heading straight to her room.

A few minutes later

"I hate this..." Charline sat on her bed crying remembering the harsh glare that Lucifer gave her. "Why am I even crying, he doesn't love me.."

*Knock knock*

" Uh mistress? Are you alright?"asked Jane while entering the room.

Jane P.O.V

" Mistress? Are you alright?" I asked while opening the door only to find a sight I haven't seen in a while.

Lin, was wrapped around her blanket while crying." Lin, what's wrong?"

"Jane, why does love hurt?"

The usual question she asks in this situation."I don't know Lin, I've never passed through that situation. But all I can tell you is that it'll get better."

" You've been saying that for the past decade Jane! But it still hurts!"

She turned to me with puffy eyes and a red nose. I stood there quietly, letting her finish her rant.

"I spend every second of my days wishing that I could turn back time. Back to when he- he... back to when he loved me..."

She was glaring at the floor, tears staining her beautiful pale face. After a moment of silence she finally spoke up.

"I'm gonna go to Earth for a while. Tell Charlie that I'll be back later..."

Before I could get a word out, she disappeared leaving only a small trace of her magic.


Okay that was sad for a sec but anyway~

I hope you guys enjoy what I'm writing and thanks for reading this!!

I was thinking of writing smut but my virgin self can't write none of that, but maybe I'll get help from a friend, if I will write a smut chapter.

Thanks for reading, I love you all~!
Don't forget to comment and vote!
Thank you~!

970 words

Everlasting love Lucifer x OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now