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In the next second, Charline found herself pinned into the wall. When she looked up too Lucifer, fear struck her as she gazed upon crimson red eyes.

"Don't you ever ....

...call me that....

...ever again..."

After that, Lucifer disappeared into that shadows leaving Charline alone in her room. 'H...he almost killed me?' she asked herself, sliding down to the cold wooden floor.

The atmosphere around the room was still as cold as Lucifer left it. Charline sat there as tears didn't stop flowing out of her eyes. Broken sobs spilled out of her lips trying to calm herself down.

'knock knock'

"Aunty are you okay...?"said a voice outside of Charline's room. The halfling quickly stood up, "Yeah, I'm... fine!"she said. "Are you crying?!" "No, it's just a little bit stuffy in here so I think I'm starting to...have a fever!"said Charline hoping that Charlotte would believe her excuse.

"I'll tell Nifty to come clean it up tomorrow morning..."said the young demon outside of Charline's room. "Yeah, you can go now I'll be fine I promise." "I...okay. Rest well, goodnight Aunty..."said Charlotte hesitating to leave, but finally left. Hearing footsteps dulling, Charline let put a sigh of relief praising herself for her acting skills. "I can't believe that worked..."she said while climbing on the bed. She then closed her eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

In the corner of the room, Lucifer appeared again and went straight to Charline's side. "I'm sorry my love but I can't trust your words until I found out the truth..."he said while caressing Charline's cheek. She moved a bit but went back to sleep. "I'm sorry I said those words to you, I love you and I always will and I hope you know that."said Lucifer while planting a kiss on Charline's forehead.

After that, Lucifer left and went back to his room. "Where in hell were you Lucifer?"asked Lilith. "That doesn't concern you.!"he snapped. The demoness in the room stood up an smirked "Oh don't tell me you went to that useless -" "Enough, shut up Lilith" interrupted Lucifer glaring at the demoness Infront of him. "I'm going out, I have some business to attend too..."he said, grabbing his coat and hat. Thus he left.

After Lucifer left Lilith, she grabbed the nearest pillow and ripped it apart.
'That bitch!How date she try and take away Lucifer from me?!' Lilith thought to herself. "I must get rid of her before Lucifer even tries to kill me..."she said to herself, looking at a mirror.

"...at any cost..."

Next morning.....

"Good morning Mistress! Time to wake up~!"shouted the short demon after opening the curtain of Charline's room. The halfling quickly covered herself in the blanket not wanting to wake up just yet. "I don't want too, my head hurts!" "But Lin, you have too..."said Jane while pulling the blanket off. "HEY!!!" "I'm sorry but you have too.... Oh...? Lin were you crying?"asked Jane.

"No... I'm okay, I wasn't crying..."said Charline while heading to the bathroom "a little hangover, that's all."she continued. Jane knew that her mistress was lying. She actually knows the long forgotten love story of two the two fallen angels. 'What a cruel ending for their love story...' thought Jane while taking out clothes for Charline. "Okay mistress I'm going out, and you have a whole day to collect a few souls on Earth..." "Okay, thanks Jane you can go."said Charline from the bathroom.

While Jane was walking through the empty corridors, she was quietly apprehended by a dark figure.

Jane P.O.V

While I was walking down the corridors, someone decided to kidnap me. But as the walk I can sense that we're not walking to far. "Did you get her...?"asked a familiar muffled voice. "Yeah, c'mon let's unmask her sweet cheeks... We need to hear more about Mistress perfect over there."said another voice. As I enhanced my hearing a little bit more I can confirm that these to are definitely....

"Angel dust and Princess Charlotte, good morning to you both..." I heard them gasp, but then a few seconds later they took of the mask they covered me with. When I opened my eyes I saw that it was indeed the princess and the spider demon. "Okay, we're gonna make it simple shorty, tell us what the fuck is going on between Lucifer and Charline...!"shouted the spider demon infront of me. "Y'know you could've just asked me nicely without all of 'this'..." They both untied me after that, we sat down in Charlotte's office.

"Jane please... I wanna know what's going on exactly..."said the princess. "Fine, your father and the mistress used to be lovers..." I said with a small smile. When I looked up at the princess looked like a deer in headlights. "Aunty and my dad were dating?!"she shouted. "And that's not the whole story, there's more." I really didn't want to tell them without Lin knowing, it's her love story after all. But she didn't say I shouldn't tell anyone, I guess it doesn't hurt to try.

"Well I will tell you the story under one condition..." "What is it?!"asked Angel dust. "I don't want all of you to tell anyone else, and I'm talking about you Nifty..." "Oh how did you know hahaha...?"she said while walking out of the shadows in the room. "...you too Husk, come out..." "It wasn't my idea I'll have you know..."he said plopping himself down on a chair. "...and Mr.Alastor, I presume..." As I said that, the Radio demon came out. "The mistress has taught you well, my dear~"he said in his usual radio tone. He came closer to me and patted my head, I blushed and it surely did not go unnoticed by him... "Hm are you alright dear~?"he asked in a jokingly manner. "Y-yes, please move away please..." I am actually not afraid of Alastor, it's just that I'm nervous around him because I actually like him.

"So you all want to know the story?" After saying that all of them nodded their heads. "Fine, it was 100 years after the development of humans..."


Thanks so much for reading everyone, I hope you enjoy...

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1066 words

Everlasting love Lucifer x OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now