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Charline P.O.V

I walked inside the castle, looking at the paintings that went  all throughout down the corridor. The family portraits hang on the walls, ticking me off, that the fact that all of this was because of a lie that Lilith created.

A few minutes later I encountered a large door and knocked. The doors opened by themselves, when I looked up to the throne his blood red eyes glared through me. His care free charming smile was long gone from his face. 'Oh...Fuck. He's absolutely pissed...'

"Look I know you're mad-"

"Mad?! I'm fucking pissed if you didn't notice! Do you have any idea why the fuck you just bought a pure soul in HELL?! "

" Lucifer, I'm sorry-"

" Sorry doesn't fucking cut it, now I have to deal with the Seraphim riding up my ass because of this! "

" You wouldn't understand why I'm doing this! Fuck! You're such a-"

" I can't believe you haven't changed, you're still as naive as you were 12 000 years ago. "

" You don't fucking get to say anything about me changing, did you forget that you're the one who left me?! "

" I didn't have a choice -!"

" Oh don't give me that Bullshit! You and I both know that you had a choice! I begged you, I begged you to stop trying to change things in heaven but, No! You'd 'rather be anywhere but Heaven', Did you even think about how I felt?!"

" I-"

"-I'm not done! I can't believe you, damnit all you're such a fucking asshole! I told you last time that I'll be there for you forever but instead you're the one who left!"

Both of us were breathing heavily, our faces inches from each other. When I noticed the our proximity, I stepped back. He was back to his normal form so that's good. "I'm keeping the little girl and no one is going to stop me. You of all people know what being raised in Heaven feels like, so I don't want the same thing that happened to you to happen to this little girl. Just trust me. "

" More than anything... "

I smiled at him remembering that I said something similar to him a millennia ago. "More than anything?" He came closer to me, putting his hand on my jaw, slightly caressing my cheek.

"I trust and I believe you, more than anything..."

I look into his eyes and smile. He inches closer to me. "I should-" I couldn't finish my sentence as I felt his lips on mine.

I was stunned for a moment but then I melted into the kiss. His lips still the same as last time I kissed him, the taste of apple with a hint of honey. 'Hm,,, sweet... wait-'

I tried pushing him away but he held me tighter, I was about to give up until his phone started ringing. A circus themed song was playing, that gave me the perfect time to distance myself from him.

He looked like he didn't want to let me go but he finally answered his phone. "Charlie do you need something?... Yeah no it's fine... I promise..."

When he ended the call he turnt to me. "Um.. Charlie wanted to know if you're okay..."

"Oh then I should uh, I should get going..." After saying I turned to leave, not giving him a chance to stop me.

When I was outside I looked up to the red sky, 'Why am I so fucking stupid!! Even after all this time...'
Back at the hotel...

Narrator P.O.V

"You're alive!" shouted a voice as soon as Charline entered the hotel doors. When she looked at them she was pulled up but four slender arms.

"Yes Anthony, I'm alive. Where is Lydia?" asked Charline.

" Oh don'tcha worry about her Toots, she's just takin' a nap upstairs in ya' room.. "he said with a small smile "... now, how 'bout we go out and-" Just as he was speaking he was interrupted by his phone, he took it out and checked it. For a second his eyes widened and he started to rub his second pair of hands together.

"Oh hi, Val..."

It didn't go unnoticed by Charline, she waited a moment for Angel to finish with his cell phone.

"Yes, I- I understand..."

Charline separated his hands and took them into her own. "Tony, you can't let him treat you like this. I already told you that I can end your contract..."

"C'mon Linny, let's not have this conversation again. I already told you that I want this, it's my only chance of survival in this hell hole..."

Charline looked at her friend with pity. "Well if you end up changing your mind, I'm always here..."

"Yeah I know..." he said quietly.

"I just don't want your story to end up with you dead from his poison..."

At that, Charline left Angel dust alone in the lobby to deal with his thoughts.


"I'm drowning in poison"

"It's filling up my heart but it's empty and hollow"

He looked at his phone scrolling through the messages that Val sent him, sighing as he glared at them all tempted to delete them and take Charline's offer.

"Hate this poison" 

"I'm sick of the poison"

"Wish I had something to live for tomorrow..."


Hi everyone!!

Sorry about not updating, which I should've done a week ago buuuuuttt I sadly couldn't log into my account for a while...

But it's all good now!!

Now, before I forget,,, I'm mixing up the HazbinH series songs like 'Poison' and 'More than anything', It's all part of the plot. Most of the song will play a very important part here especially 'More than anything', I know this song is supposed to be a 'father daughter' moment between Charlie and Lucifer but I wanna include Charline. I'm gonna draft the lyrics of the song and see how I'll be able to put Charline in it.

Thanks so much for reading! Please comment and vote!!! Luv u all~!!!

1005 words

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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