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On Earth...

Charline P.O.V

I sat there alone at the once upon a time lake I used to love swimming in centuries ago.

"It feels like it was yesterday when I used to come here." I thought to myself while sitting on the grass.

It's really nice coming here like I used to, the calm breeze, the clear blue lake, the green apple trees filled with red apples...

...Red apples...


"Sam what are you eating?" I asked him with my everyday smile.

He turned to me "Oh don't worry dear, it's just an apple-" he bit it "-if slearly goosh" he said, his mouth full.

"Sam don't speak with your mouth full, it's rude" I smiled at him." By the way, why are you eating a red apple, I thought you liked green?"

"Oh it's because it reminds me of your eyes, that's why" he said walking away, oblivious of my face matching the color of my eyes and the apple. I ran toward him and took the apple, and ran off.

"Sam you're such a tease!"

He started to chase after me."Hey! Get back here I'm not done with that!"

"You'll have to catch me first~! Hahaha!!"

End of flashback...

I smile at the distant memory, until I feel something wet on my face.

... tears ...

I quickly wipe them of but more tears come out."Stupid! Stupid tears! Coming out because of that stupid memory!"


A loud high pitched scream pierced my thoughts. I stood up and ran to the direction quickly.

When I got there I found a girl no younger than 10 years, crying near her limp body.

"Hey there are you alright?" I asked her carful not to scare her. She looked up at me with her clear blue eyes. She had black short hair and bloodied clothes. When I got closer she started to cry again. "Woah! Hey! It's okay I won't hurt you..."

"... P-promice?"

"With all my heart... "

After I said that I slowly got closer to her and I crouched down to her level. We sat in silence for a while, her sniffles filling the air around us. When she finally calmed down I took the initiative to ask her what happened. "Will you tell me what happened?"

She looked at me for a moment, doubting if she should trust me or not.
A few minutes later she spoke. "I was just walking around with my mom, but she- she pointed a gun at m-me... "she spoke between sobs and hiccups.

"What's your name?" I asked her after a moment of silence. She then looked up to me and smiled. "I'm Lydia, what's yours?"she asked quietly. " Call me Lin.." After answering her I took out my Hellphone and dialed a familiar number.

"Hey Linny! What can I do for ya'?"

"I've got a job for I.M.P, think you're gonna be up for it?"

" What's in it for me?"

" I'll pay you money, what else do you think I'll do?"

"Maybe let me fuck what's under that black dress, again?"

"That was one time Blitzø! And I was drunk and horny!!"

" Sure, I believe you. So what's today's mission? "

" I need you to kill a bitch for me, think you're up for it?"

"Alright fine!"

" Thanks Blitzø, I'll send you the details in a few seconds... "

I ended my call with Blitzø and turned to face Lydia. "Good news Lydia, you're coming to live with me!"


"I mean I'll have a lot of paperwork explaining to God and Lucifer, to why I brought an innocent soul in Hell but it'll play out later... "

I smile at her little frame as I picked her up putting her into my arms, "C'mon let's get out of here!"

A few hours later in Hell.....

When I entered the Hotel, I knew I was in trouble by the look on Charlie's face.

"Auntie! What's going on?! A few hours ago Dad was sitting peacefully then later to only go on a fit of rage!"

'Oh shit'

"Look, Char, I'm going to need you to take care of this little girl, until I come back-"

" -if you come back..."

I sent a glare at the Radio Demon who sat at the mini-bar. "Alastor, I swear if don't fucki-"
I catch myself and look down at the little girl next to me. " -frigging unalive you twice..."

At that Angel Dust burst out in a fit of giggles, "I'm sorry but 'friggin' was the best you could come up with?! What are you, five or somethin'?"

" Anthony I swear if you-"


I got interrupted by a small red Imp that popped up in front of me.

" Are you The Mistress of Death? "

" Um, yeah? "

" This is for you... "

The moment it gave me the small letter it disappears with another *Pop* leaving me ant the others confused. I opted not to open the letter when I saw the royal seal, but I would get in more trouble if I don't open it.


It has come to my sense that you have forgotten the rules that I have set for you when you fucking showed up in my Kingdom, so I want you to to come to the royal palace so I can rephrase your memory.

Remember, there's consequences if you disobey a direct order from me.


"Ahh, shit..."

"-now, now, no bad language in front of an innocent soul~"

"Alastor I- y'know what, I'm just gonna save my energy for Lucifer..."

After saying that I walked out, leaving the little girl with the hotel staff. I stood at the door for a minute, collecting my thoughts.

Y'know it's pretty dangerous if two Overlords fight in hell, Imagine what it's gonna be like when two former Angels fight...

I just hope it won't turn out as bad as I think it would be...

I know,most of you are kind of angry I didn't post sooner.

I'm sorry....

And I know I'm making if worse by leaving a cliffhanger in this chapter, but I had to, cuz next chapter is gonna be great.

Though I'm still contemplating on writing smut chapters in this fic, but the fact that I've never written smut before and I'm gonna need someone to write it for me.

Again, I'm sorry and I luv u all♡♡♡♡♡
Don't forget to comment and vote.

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Everlasting love Lucifer x OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now