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Jane P.O.V

The next day....
Today is the day Mistress has to go to the meeting and I know she doesn't like or want anything thing to do with the Royal family except for supporting Princess Charolette. I never knew why she was doing all of this. She's been secretive ever since the day we met.

"Ow man that hurt" I said while standing up. "Hey, are you alright?"asked an angelic voice from behind me. When I looked up I saw the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I took her hand that she offered me and stood up. "Where am I?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled. "Don't worry I'm here to take you to your new home. So  your Jane Hinders, I can't believe you're going to hell just for self defense."she said while rubbing her forehead. "Yeah well I guess killing the person wasn't allowed even for self defense" I sheeplesly said to her.

She looked at me and smiled. "Tell ya' what, I'm going to bring you to my Mansion to work for me. Hell is a pretty tough place to handle, so I'll make it easy for you, okay?"she said. I don't know why but her words made me happy and it felt pretty good to be treated like this even though I'm a murderer." I- I'd love that"
End Flashback

I finally arrived to Charline's room, and as always she's still asleep. Feeling a bit sneaky today, I went to her curtains and opened them widely just to irritate her. "Rise n' Shine Mistress! It's time to wake up." I shouted. She abruptly got up not noticing that she's close to the edge of the bed and therefore fell to the floor. "Oww! Jane, that wasn't necessary!"she shouted while balancing with the headboard. These scene is so funny that I don't think I'll be able to contain myself from laughing.

Time skip

Charline P.O.V

What a new way to wake up. I guess Jane was in a childish mood this morning. Even though she tried to ease my mind about the meeting, I still couldn't get the thought of it out of my mind. "Mistress make sure to behave when we get there"then here she she goes again with the nagging. "Fine, whatever you say 'mom'" I joked trying to lift the mood inside the car. Only to get a painful slap on the back of my head. "Ow! What was that for?!" Instead of apologising, she started laughing. Seeing Jane laugh always brightens up my day, and that's why I'm just gonna let this slide.
"We're here"said our driver.

Jane and I got of the car and walked towards the castle. Man was it large, I mean what did I expect they are the Royal family.  "Name and Business" said the guard. "Oh Thomas, have you forgotten who brought you here?" I asked him. Then realization dawned upon him (A/N: Man I'm so terrible at this..) and he opened the gate. "My apologies Mistress, welcome to the Magne Residents." Well at least he said sorry. Oh man, I can't believe I'm actually going to do to this. Sounds like everything is fine otherwise I would've heard a bit of a racket inside Well here goes nothing.

As I entered the room, everyone's eyes were on me. Ugh "attention" YAY..! Shifting my gaze to the king and queen I was frozen. 'Man, he really changed for the better huh..? Oh hold yourself together Lin he's married to her' I internally scolded myself. After gathering myself I went upfront. "Greetings your Royal Majesties" I said while doing a curtsy. "You may rise, thank you for finally showing yourself Mistress Death"said the king. Okay, is it wrong to blush right now 'yes it is' but the way he said my name was arousing. "My apologies, Lucifer but I never saw the need to be here" I said not daring to look up at those seductive eyes of his. "Fine, go sit with the others."he said while pointing to the table in the middle of the room. From here it actually looks like a play table filled with toddlers.

I went and sat down with them. "Well we'll well, look who was called back here." Ugh I should've known that he was going to be here. "Hello Vox, y'know I thought about bringing some entertainment but I guess you're already here, so nevermind". I said looking at the overlord next to me only to find my one of my old time friends Stolas Goecia. "Stolas my old friend, how are you doing in this dreadful hole?" I asked. The tall owl turned to me and smiled. "I'm doing oh so well Mistress, you are looking as dashing as ever"he said. "Oh you flatter me, really tho, is it true that you and that psychopath are divorced already?"I asked him. I actually was curious about this, seeming I've only heard it from others. "Ahh yes, it is true. She found out about my little romance with Blitzy."he said while taking a sip of wine. "And how it Octavia taking all of this?" I asked. Stolas was quite for a second and then he answered. "She's, coping with this whole thing I guess. But she still supports me." Before I could even answer, the king interrupted our little chat. Well I wonder how this is gonna fade out.

That was okay I guess. If you're still confused don't worry, I'll explain everything soon.

Thanks again for reading.

936 words

Everlasting love Lucifer x OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now