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Charline P.O.V

I was walking back home after I had left patrol for today. It's sunny as always in heaven, the last time I saw rain was actually when I was alive. Here it's always bright and fluffy, it's beautiful.

I was in a good mood today, because today is the day! The day I confess my feelings to Sam, I went to ask God about these strange feelings I have everytime I'm around Sam. So God told me that I was in love with his son and he couldn't be happier, although he did say for us to not get carried away with this, whatever what that meant. Leave it to God to be mysterious when he wants to be.

'Where in heaven is Sam?' I thought to myself while walking around. Ever since the patrol thing started, Sam and I haven't got enough time together, it's because I've been patrolling with his siblings more than him. It's been a week since we were alone in each other's presence.

'Maybe I should look-' my train of thought was interrupted when I bumped into someone.


"Oh dear, I'm so sorry, are you okay?!" said the person I bumped into. When I looked up my eyes met two golden orbs, but darker than Sam's sunlit eyes. He was tall, and had dark hair, that's the first time I saw someone with black hair in Heaven, most people tend to have White or Blonde hair. He held up his hand for me, I looked at it for a second before taking it.

He was a stuttering mess, it was actually adorable. "I'm sorry- I- I w-wasn't looking at the- I- um-"

"Hey it's okay, I'm fine, don't panic." I said to him, trying to calm him down. He stopped stuttering and smiled at me.

"I'm sorry, this usually doesn't happen, may I  ask who this lovely Angel who saved me is?"

Before I could utter a word, I felt myself being pulled backwards to someone's chest. When I looked to see who, I was met with two sun-golden irises. 'Sam'


I saw a smile leave Adam's face for a second, but then it came back. "Well if it isn't the favorite child of God, what do we owe the pleasure?"he asked. Samael glared at him for a second before smiling, "Oh nothing, I just came to get my... friend, she and I have something important to get to. "

"Well then I'll leave you to it" he then stared at me, ".. until we meet again Little Angel~"

He said those words with a tone that sent chills in my spine, not the good kind of chills that I get whenever Sam holds my hand. Speaking of Sam-

"Linny, I'm going to need you to stay as far as possible from that creep... "

"Why..?" I asked out of genuine curiosity. He then smiled and took my hand, "Come, I'll tell you when we arrive at the gardens"
We arrived in the gardens and sat under our favorite trees. "So, um, the Adam situation?"

I watched him heave out a long sigh, he the grabbed my hand and squeeze's it lightly and I do just the same. "So uh I haven't been totally honest with you for a while..."he said gazing down to his legs.

The Arch Angels were administered to wear suits instead of large coats. It actually looks really great on him. "What do you mean?" I asked him.

"It was a few months after Earth was created actually. Have you ever heard of the story of Adam and-"

"-Eve? Right..?"

"No, it was Adam and Lilith at first but Lilith broke off from Adam so then he was given a new wife. Lilith was left alone, I found her... And I thought I could help her and I thought she loved me I-"

I felt my stomach drop at what he said, I thought it was jealousy but we are not supposed to have Negative emotions, so that's... weird... The felling went away the minute I saw tears rolling down his eyes.


I grabbed his face and wiped off his tears, "When we gave Eve the forbidden fruit, it caused a large destruction allowing chaos and evil on Earth. The Seraphim wanted me to be punished but Micheal begged them to give me a second chance. So Lilith was the one who was casted down to Hell instead of me... It's all my fault..."he concluded the story .

Again I took his face between my hands, but he was avoiding eye contact with me."Sam, look at me. All of that was not your fault, you just wanted to make your dreams come true, the Seraph has absolutely no right to crush your dreams... "

"But I-"

" -no, don't you dare blame yourself. Samael remember this, even if everyone in Heaven, Earth or Hell, Christ even the Universe hates you, I want you to know that I'll always and I mean I'll always be there for you. Not because I pity you- no, it's because I love you more than anything... And don't ever doubt that... "

"More than anything?"

"Yes, forever even if well get separated, I'll never change my mind, I promise."

He took my hand and smiled at me, both of us lost in each other's eyes, inching closely to each other. I closed my eyes and leaned in, both of our lips were almost touching-


"We're here..."

Hello everyone! I finally updated, I'm sorry! I was actually waiting to watch the Hazbin Hotel series because I was behind. All I gotta say is that I fucking loved it!

So I'm going to twist this story along with the HazbinH plot, so don't be confused with the timelines again. I know that Lilith and Lucifer were divorced when Charlie was younger but I want to make it seem as though they divorced before the 7 year time skip in the show.

So the previous chapters (not the flashbacks) go along to before those 7 years. And going to the story that Charlie was telling about Lucifer, Lilith, Adam and Eve I changed it up a bit.

So instead of Lucifer falling with Lilith, she fell alone and Lucifer(Sam) was given a second chance to "redeem himself". Anyways I'm not gonna say anymore for the sake of not spoiling the rest.

Thanks for reading! I Love you!
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Who's your favorite character in Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss?

Love you all!
1100 words

Everlasting love Lucifer x OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now