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"Sister! Sister! Come play with us!"shouted a young angel near Charline. She turned and smiled at the boy. "Gabe, I can't play with you. Your brother wanted to meet me here."she said. "But I wanted you first!"cried the young Angel. "Alrighty then, how about I come by later to play with you?" "Promise?" "I promise, now go on and play"said Charline. After they sealed their little promise, Gabriel left to play somewhere else.

"You're surely good at handling children"said a voice behind Charline. "How could I not be able Samael, you have eight siblings for you r father's sake"said Charline while burying herself in Samael's chest. They both stood in silence for a while until Samael started to speak. "Hey, Lin" "Hm?" "You know that we'll be together forever, right?"he asked. "Yes, I know we'll be together till the end of time"answered Charline. "Good.p Now let's go to our usual spot"said the Angel.

Narrator P.O.V

In the morning, Charline woke up trying to wipe the dream-like memory from her mind. 'Shit, I did not expect to remember that ' she said while getting ready.

Time skip

Reaching down the living room, Charline found what she'd not been expecting. "Oh Aunt Lin, it's good that you're awake. Look who's here!"shouted the enthusiastic princess. "What are you both doing here?!"asked Charline. "Oh? I thought you said we should come and support my dear... daughter "said Lucifer while turning to Charlotte with a sweet smile "...and the castle needs a bit repairing, since we've got a termite problem"he continued. "Can't you just fix it with your-" "Well then my darling daughter won't you accompany my and your father to our room?"interrupted Lilith. "Uhh... sure thing!"shouted Charlotte with furrowed brows.

As the three royals left, Charline glared at the stairs Infront of her. "Ok, that was totally not expected, mind telling us what the fuck that was?"asked the white spider demon. The question caught Charline of guard but she covered her concern before anyone could notice. "Nice try Angel dust but, that's a story for another time"she said while walking out the hotel.

Time skip...

Charline P.O.V
Walking down the street of Hell isn't as much fun as I thought it would be, but at least Imp city isn't that bad. Plus I get to check on my little I.M.P employees.

When I arrived at the building, I could already hear the chaos inside. When I entered I could've sworn I heard a gun fire. "For the last time sir, stop stalking me and my wife!"shouted the short white haired imp. "Oh go get yourself a dick Moxxie, all of us have already fucked...well except for my sweet little Lonie"said my favorite imp Blitzø.  The teenage hound then kicked him of of her "Eww get away from me..!"she shouted. "I know you love me my little Lonie."said Blitzø. "Hahaha, you all are still the same as ever" everyone stopped what they were doing the moment they heard my voice.

"LINNY!!!"shouted the hyper black haired imp Millie. Before I could even reply she bulldozed me down the hard floor. "Millie, I missed you too but the floor isn't a place to express that" as I said that she quickly got of me. After...that, we sat down and started to catch up on what was happening in our days in Hell.

"So, what brought you to Imp city?"asked Moxxie. "Oh I just came to see you guys!" "Oh cut the shit Lin, tell us the real reason you left your big ass mansion in Pride just to see us."shouted Blitzø as he pointed his sharp claws at me. That was when my smile turned upside down into a frown. "It's just that Lucifer ugh-!"from there I started to rant about what happened today.

After an hour of ranting (and a bit of whiskey), I finally calmed down. "So you still have a grudge against the old King,huh?"asked Blitzø. I glared at him from the corner of my eye. "You know very well that I hate that ¢ock-sucking!møthrfucking!asshøl3!excuse of a fucking KING!!"  I shouted at the poor Imp. "Woah, woah, woah calm down mistress..."said Moxxie as he pulled me back from chocking his boss. I was gonna kick him of me but Millie quickly pulled me into a hug. "Okay now calm down Lin, that damned King ain't here right now..."she said while caressing my head "...are you all better now?"she asked. I slowly nodded my head not trusting my voice.

"Okay y'know what Lin?"asked Blitzø. "No, what?" "Let's go out and drink and forget about the King, okay?"he continued. "Y'know what, fuck the King let's go get wasted!!"I shouted while running out the door pulling M&M with me. 'Yeah, drinking otta get  him out of my head' I thought to myself while starting the car.

A few hours later~~~

Narrator P.O.V
It was late when Charline went back to the hotel. Drunk as she is she continued walking through the corridors. Then she finally stumbled upon Husk's bar. "Had a rough night?"asked Husk while wiping the bar table. She looks up at him "Yeah..." she said. "You should probably head to bed before crashing here." "Yeah, ssprobably a good idea..."said Charlie while clumsily walking up the stairs.

Time skippidy hop hop hop~

After having a long shower, to sober up a bit, Charline finally tossed herself onto her bed. "What a lovely room you got here mistress~"said a deep honed laced voice next to her bed. Charline sat up abruptly to see who dares to enter her room without permission. But immediately froze in seeing the king of Hell standing in the middle of her room. 'I think I had too much alcohol...'she though to herself. "Oh don't worry love, you're not imagining me~"he said having to hear her thoughts. "Get out of my head..."she whispered. "Oh but I can't help but be in your head, it's been like that ever since-" "-what are you doing here?"she interrupted him. "And here I thought we could have a normal conversation~"the demon got closer as her acted sad.

"Us having normal conversations ended when you-"the woman on the bed cut herself off before finishing what she wanted to say ".. nevermind"
"Oh please continue, I would love to hear you say that everything was better when we were up there!"said Lucifer not noticing he raised his voice. "Because it was..! We were so happy but you decided to rebel against everyone!" "Oh you knew very well why I left and you would've came with me but-" "I couldn't do it-!"shouted Charline. "Enough of you damn lies! You would've been able to come with me but you chose to stay with him!"he shouted at the halfling. "You know damn well that I didn't and I never loved your brother more than-" "Cut the fucking bullshit...!How am I going to believe you when you even had a child with him!"shouted Lucifer. Tears were starting to well up in Charline's face '..don't cry, don't cry, I can't let him know he's getting to me.'she thought to herself while glaring at him.

"You know, I actually thought that we could be together forever but I guess Lilith was right 'love doesn't last for an eternity'"he said "...I just wish I never fell for you-"


Silence fell in the room. She didn't know why she slapped him but it somehow felt as if she didn't want those words to come out of his mouth.
"...don't you dare say those words!"she shouted. "I do not love-" 


Okay now we're getting closer to the point.

Thanks for reading!!!

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Tell me if I sounded desperate...

Anyways thanks for reading my book~!


1342 words

Everlasting love Lucifer x OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now