Chapter 5| Wedding

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Khushi nodded as she followed him to where Manish and Rohan were. As Dadu entered he signaled Rohan to wait outside. Rohan headed out while Manish looked up more confused and also angry seeing the girl with his Dadu.

Dadu:"Manu... I need to talk to you. (turning to Khushi )"Beta sit"(Khushi nodded as she sat on the chair looking at her fingers as she suddenly felt really nervous being in Manish's presence)"I have decided that you both will get married today"

Manish:(standing up shocked)"WHAT!?"

Khushi flinched as her nails dug in her own hands while Dadu looked too calm, almost as if expecting this rage.

Manish:"Dadu I can't you know this. Why are you..."

Dadu:"Manish listen to me"(His tone was stern. Something Manish had heard really rarely)"Yes this circumstance of this wedding was off but trust me when I say this is the best for you. "

Manish:"No dadu it is not.."

Dadu:"Manish..I have never asked for anything from you. But today I ask you for one thing. Please accept Khushi . Please get married. Please listen to me it's for the best Manu. Please"

Manish quite down looking at his Dadu. yes is was true his dadu never in his life asked for anything. But today he was. His eyes drifted to the girl who sat there frozen. The girl he wanted nothing to do with but now apparently she was his wife and her whole life was tangled with his. He looked back at his dadu who was for the first time was asking him something. Something he didn't want to give him. Something he doesn't think he can give him.

Dadu:"Please Manu trust me"

Manish:(He stood up and headed to the window to get some fresh air. He didn't want to hurt his Dadu with his words.)"Do whatever you want Dadu. It's not like I have a choice now"

Dadu:"manuu"(He called out but Manish didn't reply. Dadu sighed before turning to Khushi )"Beta.. lets go and tell everyone to start the preparation for the wedding"

Khushi :(very quietly)"but he didn't agree...He.."

Dadu:"He did beta. Remember what I said he is as stubborn as a kid but don't worry I know slowly you will make him realize how this is is going to be the best decision of his life"

HOW?? Khushi wanted to scream as she saw her soon to be husband's back. She herself didn't believe this decision from her heart. Then how would she make him realize anything. She sighed as she got up and followed Dadaji out. Her life was so messed up that she couldn't even explain it anymore.

Soon the news reached everyone at the wedding venue. Another wedding was to take place. Chacha ji and Chachiji sighed being relieved that Khushi would leave them. Rajshri Aunty took Khushi with her as she took out a red saari (Indian dress) for the wedding as they couldn't get a wedding dress ready in short time while Manish changed into a white sherwani (Indian dress). Manish and Khushi both have been silent the whole time people got them ready.

Dadi had met Dadu also to discuss about Khushi and Manish. Though she had said confidently that This family would give Khushi what she deserved she needed to be sure herself. Her discussion with Dadu gave her peace. She shared few things about Khushi 's past with Dadu, requesting him to treat her with care and love. Dadu was heartbroken hearing such things about Khushi . He assured that Manish would always keep Khushi happy.

Soon The new couple were seated at the mandap as their wedding ritual started to take place.  One by one each ritual look place binding the 2 into a knot for forever. The 2 sat emotionless as the Pandit ji asked Manish to fill Khushi 's hairline with sindoor and then tie the mangalsutra around her neck. They later again walked around the fire seven times making vows for their future life.

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