Chapter 48|Games and Visits

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Here is the early update. Hope you enjoy it. Silent Readers please do vote and comment!  I hope to see at least 100+ votes and comments on this chapter too.

Enjoy the update everyone!


Rohan gave his brother a stinky eye as he moved forward in the game. Khushi shook her head at their banter. Their relationship always awed her. The way Manish had a fatherly strictness with Rohan yet a brotherly playfulness as well. She knew, Rohan knew that when ever he would be stuck in life, he could blindly trust his big brother. Sometimes she wished she had a elder brother as well. She had never left these bonds yet all her life she craved for them. Though after marriage, she did gained a younger brother in Rohan and elder brothers in Ankit and Kabir.

Khushi stood up as she thought to go out and talk to Pihu as she was now getting bored and trying to study while 2 boys played a game in the same room is nearly impossible with their wohoos and boos every 2 seconds.

Rohan:(seeing her headed to the door)"Hey Bhabhi..Where are you going?"


Rohan:"If your free come play na"

Khushi:"Rohan you play. I don't know how to play"

Manish:"It's okay. I'll teach you. come"

Rohan:"come na Bhabhi"

Khushi:(walking towards them as she stood next to Manish's bean bag)"You both play na. It's your time and I don't want to intrude"

Manish:(grabbing her hand as he pulled her causing her to fall on to his lap as a gaps left her lips)"Stop overthinking so much Khush"

Khushi:(she tried to get up as she watched Rohan smile secretly looking away but Manish's hands wrapped around her holding the controller in front of her while his head rested on her neck looking at the Tv up front)"Mani! What are you doing"(She whisper yelled but he just ignored)

Manish:"Rohan. Lets play the easy mode this round"


Khushi:(trying to look at him as well as control her raising heartbeats)"Mani!"

Manish:(whispering against her neck making her shiver)"Relax love. I am just teaching my wife how to play a game"(He said with an innocent face but Khushi could see his not so innocent smirk hidden behind his smile very well)

Rohan:"Bhai I'll start?"

Manish:"Yes..(turning to Khushi as he guided her hands over the controller and covered her hands with his)"Now see. This is used to moved back and forth. We rotate with this button. These are pressed when shooting and the most important one is this one. This button fire the power shot. Alright?"

Khushi:(a little panicky)"I can't remember that all"

Manish:(as he looked up at the tv while resting his head on her neck)"I am here Khush. Just relax and enjoy."

In mins the game was on. At first Khushi struggled with the controls and the monster were too much even for the easy level. Manish was guiding her with his fingers on top of hers. Slowly as she got the hang of it, His grip loosened on her as he leaned back on the bean bag and let her play while he watched.

When Khushi and Rohan killed the boss monster of the level, Khushi squealed in happiness as she and Rohan hified while Manish just admired her. She turned to him with a grin on her face only to see his admiring look, making her shy. As Manish already knew, Khushi was a fast learner and a great observer. Getting the grip good on game, she and Rohan played few more round before it became late and they were called downstairs for dinner. The 3 headed down as they eat with everyone before Manish and Khushi headed to bed. The next day was gonna be hectic with the trip planned from college. 

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