Chapter 31| A day at the Beach

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Manish:(breaking her thoughts)"Common lets go up there.."(He said as he pulled her towards the waves.)

They moved up towards the water shore. They settled their items a little before the shore line as they laid a beach towel and settled down. Khushi watched to her side as she saw a mother and father helping their daughter build a castle. The daughters laugh filled her mind as flashes of her parents came to in her mind.

A hand on her shoulder made her come out of her thoughts and look away from them to Manish. As she looked at Manish he gave her a smile as he squeezed her shoulder in assurance.

Manish:"Have you ever made a sandcastle?"(He asked)

Khushi:(looking towards the kid who kissed her father's cheeks in happiness before Khushi looked back at Manish)"No..I have never.."

Manish:"Well Today can be your first time. Come"

He pulled Khushi to the side slightly as he started to make a sand castle. Khushi watched in awe before she joined him. The 2 enjoyed as they channeled their inner child. After 20 mins or so They both looked proud at their small sand castle which was successfully constructed after few failed castles.

Manish pulled out his phone as he snapped few pictures of them with their artwork. As they both were busy smiling at the camera, a large wave rushed through and flooded their castle destroying it. Manish and Khushi gasped in shock as they looked at their broken castle before they looked at each other and busted into laughter at each other's expressions.

They then were seated on the sand, the lower part of their body had also gotten soaked in the wave they kept hitting them. Manish stood up as he forwarded his hands towards Khushi and helped her up.

Manish:"I guess even the water is calling us? Want to go in.."

Khushi:"Um.. I.."

Manish:"Trust me Khush we won't go deep. And I promise to be their with you"

Khushi didn't need to say anything else as she gave Manish a smile and nodded. Manish discarded his shirt by their other items as he held Khushi's hands and lead her towards the water. Khushi had already tired her hair in a bun to keep it away from her face in the water.

As they walked towards the water, Khushi watched the large waves in the ocean became small as they came closer to the shore. She saw few people very far in the water as the large waves cover them fully. It looked highly dangerous. There were some surfers and water boats as well.

Manish:(seeing Khushi's eyes stuck on the surfers)"They have many water sports here. Maybe one day we can come to the beach to try them out. Now be careful here. It would feel like the water is pulling you in when the waves return."

Khushi nodded as she felt Manish's words came true. As if now the water was till her ankle and every time a wave hit the shore and pulled back, she felt herself being dragged into the ocean with it. She giggled as her hands tighten on Manish's hand to stabilize herself. Manish smiled as he bend down slight and splashed the water on her. Khushi gasped as she stared at him in shock for few seconds.


Manish:(teasing smile)"Yes?"

Khushi:"you just wait.."(She left his hand as she also bend down to splash water on him. a lot more then he had done so)

Manish:"Oh you didn't"(He said getting ready for a playful revenge while Khushi let out a squeal as she rushed back)

They laughed and giggled in their own world as they played like kids carefree of all tension. The water fight continued and soon changed into a chasing game as Khushi ran from Manish laughing her heart out. Khushi ran looking back every now and then with giggle leaving her every second while Manish smiled brightly as he chased her through the beach.

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