Chapter 25| Comfort Zone?

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Khushi:(looked at him as her eyes slightly got teary while she smiled sadly)"Yes..At that point I thought my life was completely ruined. Maybe it would have been worse then it ever was, but then Dadaji came. He asked me if I would marry you? At that point in life I only had 2 choices. Either I married you or I get send to the village where I would lose everything. My studies, my will to do a job and maybe even my will to live. So, I chose you!"

She looked into his eyes as they stared back at him. He had never imagined she had to face all this. He was thankful that Dadu had gotten them married then or who could imagine what would Khushi be facing right now.

Khushi:"Manish you asked me why I didn't argue that day? Why I didn't declined while you openly declared that this was nonsense? Because I couldn't. You are lucky to have Dadaji with you, who listened to your thoughts. You are lucky to have the right to express your anger while I.. All I could do then was beg."

Manish:"I am so sorry I..."

Khushi:"why are you sorry? In fact I should be sorry. I had no option but to choose you. But because of my decision your got trapped in this marriage with me"

Manish:"No Khushi..I am not trapped. I never was. Don't think any of this is your fault.( He sighed) If  I am honest, yes I was angered at that point. I didn't get why Dadaji wanted us to marry. Now I understand it. Khushi I am glad I married you and don't think I am pitying you here. I am truly grateful. If anyone is to blame then it's the circumstances. But like Dadu says. Everything happens for a reason. I guess we were meant to get married that day"

The 2 looked into each others eyes as they felt a little relaxed. Khushi had opened up a little about herself. Even if it was just a little bit, it was still progress.

Manish:(laughed suddenly)"Now that I look back at that day. Our Accidental marriage was actually so Bollywood. I mean it's so unbelievable"

Khushi:(smiled)"Yes..It's actually is unbelievable"(They smiled at each other when a yawn left Khushi)

Manish:(looking at the time)"It's late we should sleep"(Khushi nodded as the 2 laid down and soon enough sleep took over both of them)

Next morning...

Around 9 in the morning was when the bright sun light filled our couple's room. Khushi groaned in her sleep as she turned towards the other side trying to get away from the light.  As she turned she felt some sort of air on her face. She frowned as she even felt a heavy wight on her stomach. She slowly opened her eyes to come face to face with Manish's fast asleep figure. Her eyes widen as they moved towards her waist to see his arms around her. Manish was laying on his stomach with his one arm around her waist.

Khushi looked at his calm sleeping face which reflected innocence and cuteness. As She looked at him, she also noticed he had started to grow a slight stubble. Her mind wondered on the fact that she had never seen him a beard. It wasn't like it was not allowed in college, but it seems liked he had a habit of not keeping one. Though if she must admit, he looked handsome with it as much as he did without one. She herself didn't realize how long she had been staring at him.

Manish moved in his sleep slightly causing Khushi to jump out of her trance as she realized what she had been thinking. She scolded herself slightly as she looked her his arms around her. Her hand slowly lifted his arms trying not to wake him up as she got out of his grip and Thankfully she was successful.

As she got out of the bed and looked at the fast asleep Manish, A smile came upon her face. She then headed to the washroom to get ready for the day. Manish moved in his sleep as his eyes slightly opened up to the bright light.

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