Chapter 35| Diving into the Past

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So here's the early update guys.. I expect to see similar amount of votes and comments on this update as well. As you guys were barely just few votes off from the target, I am providing the early update.

Silent readers please Vote and comment. They truly help the author know if your liking the story. Anyways lets dive right back into the story. Enjoy everyone and Don't forget to Vote and Comment.


Manish sighed as he looked down towards Khushi whose eyes kept darting towards the light flashing in the room while her grip on his hands tighten with each flash. Just then a bang on the main door made them both jump.

Man:(knocking on the door)"Sir!"

Manish:(looking down at Khushi)"I think it's the hotel staff. I'll.."(He stopped seeing her grip tighten)

Khushi just gripped tightly onto Manish's hand while Manish held her as he guided her towards the door. Khushi stood behind him gripping onto the back of his shirt with her fist while he opened the door to reveal a hotel staff.

Man:"Good evening sir. Sorry for the inconvenience sir. Here are some items to help you out during the power out."(He said handing a bag to Manish)

Manish:(keeping the bag aside)"Thank you. When will the power be on again?"

Man:"I am sorry sir, but I am not fully aware. I think A hurricane has hit the island. It was headed up north but took a sudden turn towards the island. We aren't sure when we would be able to get our power or network back up again. But don't worry sir. Everything is being handled and hopefully the storm will die down by morning. If you need anything please stop by the lobby and we would try our best to assist you. Also for safety try to stay in the room and lock all balcony doors and windows."

Manish:"alright. Thank you."(Manish watched the man turned to the other hotel rooms delivering the same message. Manish would see flashlights on from down the halls as every guest was confused as hell of what was going on.)

Manish shut the door and turned to Khushi who was looking at him. He gave her a small smile as they moved towards the bed where he opened up the bag to see what items were stored in them. The bag contained few flashlights and batteries along with lid candles, matches and some snacks.

Manish:"Well I guess our problem is solved right?"(Khushi looked at him like a small innocent kid looking up with hope)

Manish lit up the lid candles on and kept then on the side table before he turned on a flashlight and kept it by the tv facing the ceiling to radiate light in the room. With the new arrangement, the room lit up enough to be able to see where one was heading.

The wind outside had seemed to pick up as the loud woshhhh was heard every now and then with thunder. As Khushi stood next to Manish gripping onto his shirt while he set the flashlight up, Her eyes were still towards the balcony side.

Manish looked down at her worried. He could clearly tell this was not some normal phobia of the dark or thunder. It was something more. Some trauma from the past. But what was it?

Manish:"Khush"(He called out her name as she turned to look at him)

Manish didn't say another word as he bend down picking Khushi in his arms in the bridal style. A gasp left her lips as she gripped onto Manish's shoulder while he carried her towards the bed. He slowly set her down on the bed before he climb in with her as he sat on the bed with his back against the headrest. He pulled her into his arms so they both were in a half laying position.

Khushi, whose head now rested on his chest, looked up to see Manish softly playing with her hair strands as he run his finger through her hair. They stay in the same position for some time enjoying the comfort of each other and the silence before a loud thunder again shook Khushi. Manish felt her jump against his body as her grip on his stomach tighten. 

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