Chapter 36| Comforting Arms

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Khushi:"After that Chachiji never ever harmed me in Any way. Not Physically at least. But her mental torture never stopped. I heard from Dadi that Chachaji and Chachi had a huge fight the day I got hospitalized. I don't know why but I guess Chachaji was the reason Chachi stopped. I guess they did care at least 1% about me being alive, but it made no difference as the damage was done."

Silence Prevailed in the room. It was hard to digest what Manish had just learned. He couldn't imagine how a 12 year old Khushi handled all this alone at such a young age. On top of the trauma of her dead parents. The hatred for Chachiji just grew in his heart each second as his body burned with anger.

Manish looked towards Khushi as he wiped her tears and slowly bend down to kiss her right cheek before he moved to her left cheek. He then moved back and kissed her forehead lingering his lip for few extra seconds. With his each kiss, she felt the fear of her past melt away.

Manish:"You are one amazing woman Khush"

Khushi looked up at him with her tear eyes. Due to crying, her eyes had swollen up slightly. Plus her period hormones had made her mood more worse. She felt exhausted after that breakdown. Her eyes couldn't stay open any more. The thundering and Lightening was still occurring outside but for some reason now it didn't make Khushi jump or be startled. Khushi snuggled into Manish's arms as her eyes shut slowly. While Manish pulled her slightly on top of him as he cuddled her up and helped her sleep like one does to a small baby.

After few mins, He felt Khushi's breathing even out indicating that sleep had consumed her. Manish slowly moved a little so his back now laid flat on the bed while Khushi also slid down with him as she was cuddled upon him. Though Khushi had slept, sleep was far away from Manish. Like the storm outside, a storm of anger was circling in his mind too. Every now and then his eyes to dart towards his wife and her fears and her trauma would came rushing in his mind. That night even he didn't know how many times he had kissed her forehead trying to reassure himself that She was safe. Promising to himself that he would never let her face any trouble like that again.

Around 8 in the morning was when he had fallen asleep. His mind and body had been exhausted from the anger and he didn't even realize when sleep took over him. As the morning came, The storm outside had calm down as well. It's seemed the storm had moved away from the island. The aftereffects of the storm would still last for multiple hours though.

Around 10 in the morning was when Khushi's eyes fluttered open. The light from outside hit her face as she snuggled more into her pillow. But for some reason her pillow seem harder then usually today. She soon realized that the pillow was none other then her husband's chest. She felt herself being wrapped around in Manish's arms. What surprised her was the fact that more than half of her body was over his. Her head rested on his chest while his one arm was around her waist and other over her forearm that was wrapped around his upper chest. Her one leg was thrown over his as they entangled each other.

At First Khushi blushed at their position, but soon enough she was distracted by her husband and his features. As Khushi moved back a little, She felt Manish's grip tighten on her waist. Khushi Lifted her head keeping her chin on his chest as she watched him sleep.

His face still  had a slight frown from all the tension. Khushi didn't realize when her hand moved forward on their own as she run her thumb over his frowned tension lines, soothing them. She watched his face relax as she moved few stands of his hair that fell on his forehead aside.

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