Chapter 39| Clubbing

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The honeymoon of our couple was going on with full force. 6 days had passed since that evening at the beach. These 6 days have been full of fun, happiness, love and care. In the past 6 days, Manish and Khushi have explored the island and their relationship much more. They took few days to roam around the Island more and visit tourist places. 3 days back when Khushi's period finally came to an end, The couple decided to try some Beach activities such as river rafting, canoeing, sky diving, paragliding, water diving and many more.

Though Khushi was quite skeptical about most of these activities, With Manish by her side she didn't fear much. And his one sentence which actually touched her heart was.

Manish:"Khush you need to live life to the fullest. You can't let you fear hold you back from things. Especially when you have never tried that thing before. At least try it once so you before pointing any opinion on it. And remember, you do what you want in your life, I'll be always be with you to support you along the way"

So Khushi did try it and she enjoyed it. Diving so below the water and seeing a whole new world that resided below the water was mesmerizing. Paragliding in the sky and river rafting. All the activities showed her a new perspective of things and at the end of the day she was glad she tried them.

Other then exploring the island, Khushi and Manish have also came closer in terms of their relationship as well. These past 5 to 6 days, they had gained a habit of sleeping in each others arms at night and waking up in each other embrace. They have grown more comfortable with each other. Manish would flirt here and there making Khushi blush while Khushi would play small tricks or pranks on him. They were in their own comfortable world. They would hold hands naturally now and unknowingly to them, they would seek each others warmth from time to time.

The 2 didn't even realize when there hands would intertwine on their own when they are walking next to each other or when they would be in a side hug while standing at one place.  A mature understanding had began to set between them. They were way open with themselves and each other then they were before this trip.

As for their first kiss. Well they have been having hits and misses but they both are sure that ones the right time comes, things would work out in their favor. Maybe it wasn't the right time for their first kiss to occur.

As if now, There was only 3 days were left in their trip including today. Today, Manish and Khushi had decided to take some time off exploring and shop. Khushi wanted to shop for some souvenir as well as gifts for the family members. They had woken up a little late today, So the couple decided to have lunch outside before heading to their shopping spree.

Manish and Khushi picked out multiple cute gifts for everyone and even some gifts for themselves as well. Khushi loved this light up box photo collage thing which you can put multiple pictures of yourself and it would light up as it rotated in a circle showing all the pictures. So they decided to buy it for themselves.

The hardest part was shopping for Shruti and Shubham. Though, Khushi wanted to buy them as much gifts as she did for other, She knew that of she'd mention their names in front of Manish his mood would go down. So She had to trick him into splitting up for few mins so she could buy Shurti and Shubham's gift.

Thankfully, she was successful and her plan worked. Later that evening when they reached back to the hotel, They met their new made friends Arjun and Divya. Arjun and Divya were also a newlywed couple who had come to Bali few days back for their honeymoon, The 2 had befriended Khushi and Manish when they bumped into each other in a restaurant at night.

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