Chapter 8| Blessing Of God

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The 2 came out of the room to meet Rohan and Dadu. They took the lift to the lobby. The driver came and with the help of Manish and Rohan, They kept the bag in the car. Manish turned in the keys at the reception before the 4 headed to the restaurant of that hotel to have breakfast before leaving.

Breakfast went quickly with Rohan chattering most of the time and cracking jokes. Some made Khushi laugh but mostly she tried to say quite. Though these people were new for her, for some reason she felt more calm then yesterday with them. After Breakfast the Malhotras headed to the temple they had decided to go to.

Again the seating in the car was similar to yesterday night. Much to Manish's dismay, the route to the temple was 1 hour and 20 mins long which was indeed much longer then last night but at least he had his phone with him to keep him busy.

Throughout the ride, Khushi kept herself busy with looking out the window as she admired the view and got blurry flashes of her childhood days with her parents. Khushi 's thoughts were broken from the ring tone of Rohan's phone.

Rohan:"Dadu mom is called"

Dadaji:"So pick it up na? Why are you telling me?"

Rohan:(looking at his brother)"what will I say"

Dadu:"What ever you normally say Rohan. I already told Shubham about this situation this morning. She might be calling to check up on you guys"(Rohan nodded as he picked the call up.)


Shruti:"Hello? Rohan how are you beta? how is manu? is he fine? He must be so traumatized? Is he..."

Rohan:"Calm down Maa. Bhai is fine now. much better then yesterday."

Shruti:"Oh my god. I was so worried when I heard what happened yesterday. The 2 kids must be traumatized. um.. How is the girl?"

Rohan:"oh bhabhi.. bhabhi is also fine maa. We are coming home tomorrow then you can meet her. You will like her a lot"(He said smiling brightly while Khushi looked towards Rohan a little shocked hearing her praises)

Dadu:"If you have done your talk then give me the phone as well"

Rohan:"Mom dadu wants to talk to you"

Dadu:(taking the phone)"Hello shruti beta"

Shruti:"Ji papa "

Dadu:"Beta We are planning to start our journey tonight around 8 or so. The roads will also be empty and we will be able to reach before 7 or 8 tomorrow morning."

Shruti:"Ji papa ji. But be careful. Late night journey might be tough"

Dadu:"It won't be a problem shruti. We will manage. You just be ready tomorrow with all the Grehpravesh rituals. Tomorrow would be Khushi 's official fist day in our house. She is our house's goddess laxmi now. We should have everything done perfectly"

Shruti:"Ji papa. I'll prepare everything. Papa..Is..(She hesitated for a while)"is Manu okay. I mean all of this was so sudden and you know how he feels about marriages due to...(she stopped and sighed)" I just am worried for him"

Dadu:"Don't worry beta. Yes it will be hard for them both, but they will manage it perfectly I know. And you just wait. Tomorrow you will meet Khushi then you will know why she is best for our Manu"

Dadu talked some more with shruti before ending the call. Both Manish and Khushi stayed quite all this while as they heard dadu praise their companionship. They felt weird as to them they saw nothing between each other. So far they even didn't have a first proper conversation.

Soon they reached the big temple. Manish instructed the driver to park near and wait as the Malhotra got out of the car. The temple was quite big and had small shops below.  There were about 100 steps or so to climb before the main temple started.

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