Chapter 23|Flight

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Manish and Khushi headed inside to their room. Manish didn't notice the gift in Khushi hands and neither did he notice when she packed that as well. The rest of the night went by quickly, Though it was hard for the couple to fall asleep. Maybe it was due to excitement of the trip or maybe the nervousness.

Next morning, the 2 were up earlier then usually as they had a flight at 9 in the morning. Manish was in the washroom freshening up while Khushi had already came out dressed in black jeans and hoodie that Shruti had bought for her when they went on shopping. The hoodie was light and not for harsh winters. Shruti recommend Khushi to where it as the flight rides can get cold at times. 

Khushi packed the last minute things in the bag before her eyes landed on the book. She thought of a second before keeping it in her bag as well. Just then Manish exited the washroom and froze seeing Khushi.

Khushi was dressed normally but her hair was still open as it was slightly wet. It seemed she had washed her hair early morning. It was rare to see her hair open. Most of the time she had to in a pony or in a clutcher. He wondered why as she looked gorgeous with her hair open. He suddenly felt an urge to run his fingers through her hair. They looked so silky as they fell till her waist.



Khushi:"What happened?"

Manish:"Nothing. I.. are you ready?"

Khushi:"Yes I just have to tie my hair"


Manish headed towards the bed as he started to wear his shoes. He kept stealing glances at Khushi who was busy combing her hair. He watched as she tied her hair in a clutcher before she put the sindoor on her head. He smiled as he watched her not hide the signs of her marriage. For the past few weeks she had an habit of hiding them but now she could openly display it. At least for the next 2 weeks and maybe even after that.

Manish watched as she looked at herself in the mirror before giving an okay look to herself as she turned to grab her phone. Manish quickly looked away as he stood up to set his hair.

Khushi:"I am heading down to see the breakfast. "

Manish:"okay.. I'll be down soon"

Manish watched as Khushi left before he started to whistle a song and set his hair. He then packed the final things in his bag before he set all the bags at the entrance of their bedroom. He called a servant to kept them down in the car before he checked his room for the last time.

Manish headed to the  drawer to get his watch when his eyes fell on the broken watch from the wedding day. His figures ran over it as his thoughts went back to that day. How his watch and her duppata along with a small child had tied Khushi and him in this bond of marriage. He smiled before he took another watch and wore it.

Manish came downstairs to see everyone already up and waiting for him. They eat breakfast in a hurry before the family moved towards the gate to bid bye to the couple.

Dadaji:"Manu.. Take care of yourself and Khushi. Call us when you reach there."

Manish:"Ji dadu.."

Dadaji:(to khushi)"Beta be free and enjoy this trip alright. No need to hold any fear or cage your feeling. Just enjoy the time with Manu and with yourself"

Khushi:"Ji Dadaji"(She bend down to take his blessing while he patted her head)

Manish hugged rohan while Khushi took blessing from Shruti and Shubham before they sat in the backseat of the car with the driver in front.

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