Chapter 10| New Home

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Around 6:30 was when Dadaji's sleep was broken due to few traffic noise. He adjusted his eyes sight to notice that the sky had started to lighten up. They had also seemed to enter Delhi.

Dadaji:(turned to the driver)"How much longer will it take shayam"

Driver:"Just half and hour or so more sir ji. Traffic is less so it wouldn't take long"

Dadaji nodded as he turned to look at his children. The sight of the back seat brought a smile upon his face. Manish sat in the middle with his arms crossed on his chest fast sleep. Khushi was sleeping with her head resting on her husband's shoulder while Manish's head now rested on top of hers. Rohan on the other hand was now sleeping while leaning onto Manish's other shoulder.

Dadaji took out his phone and took a picture of his children before turning back to the front. Within next 30 mins or so, the car pulled into the gates of the Malhotra Mansion. As the driver stopped the car in front of the main gate, Dadaji instructed him to get the suitcases out the back while Dadu turned to see the kids who were still asleep in the same position.

Dadu:"Manu? Rohan get up beta. We reached"(Rohan turned in his sleep moving to rest his head on the window still asleep while Manish's eyes flatter open feeling a hand shake his knees. He looked down to see his dadu waking him up)

Manish's hand rubbed his eyes trying to adjust them to the lighting and realize the surrounding. As he looked around he realized that they had reached home. His eyes moved to the weight on his shoulder to realize Khushi was still asleep.

Dadu:"Manu wake these 2 up . I'll go see if Shruti has prepared everything for Khushi 's greh pravesh"

Dada ji left with that while Manish sat their awkwardly lost on what to do. He tried to tap Khushi on the head for her to wake up but that seemed to do nothing as obviously how is one finger tap gonna wake her up.

Manish:"umm... Khushi ..Khushi we are here wake up"(Tapping her head again slowly)

Khushi 's sleep got disturbed hearing some noise. She opened her eyes and looked around to see the car surrounding. It seemed that her head was rested on something or someone. As she stilled her head to check it out, Her eyes widen as they met Manish's eyes looking down at her. She jerked herself to move as far as possible only to bang her head on the window behind her.

Manish:"careful.."(his hands moved forward to check her wound but stopped min way)"Umm.. We.. WE reached"

Khushi :"Oh.."(she said as she rubbed the back of her head before looking out while Manish turned to his brother)

Manish:"Rohan get up.."

Rohan:"10 more min"

Manish:"Rohan get up and sleep in the house for the next 10 hours if you want but get up now"(Khushi had opened the car door and stepped out while rohan still showed tantrums)

Manish sighed as he got out from Khushi 's side and moved towards Rohan's door which he lean  on.  Khushi watched as Manish pulled the door open, Making Rohan's eyes widen open as he felt the sensation of falling off only to be caught by Manish mid air.


Manish:"From falling from just 1 feet high? I doubt it. Get up and go inside and sleep"

Rohan stumbled out of the car in still half a sleep, before the driver sat in the car and took it to park in the garage. Khushi 's eyes widen as she looked out the front yard of the house. It was beautiful and something she had only seen in movies. She remembered how in childhood she would see movies and ask her mother for them to buy such a big house. Never had she dreamed to see them in real life.

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