1Oel ngati kameie

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(Lo'ak's point of view)
I was just waking up from a nap i took when Tuk basically spawned next to me and took my hand. "Lo'ak ! You have to see this !" she said. Her eyes were shining, but mine were almost closing again so I didn't really want to see whatever. Until I heard familiar sounds of the Metkayina people, Ilus flying around and splashing into the water, so many people talking at once, i heard shouting of joy. My eyes widened and I looked at Tuk "The Tulkun ! They are visiting !" She said pulling me out of my bed, man this kid was lowkey stronger than our Dad.. "Again?" I said, still in disbelief but of course happy. I went with Tuk to look at the people meeting their spirit siblings, it was an amazing view. My eyes stopped at Tsireya. She was getting off her Ilu with Ao'nung and was jumping into the water so smoothly. She looked so happy and full of joy, I couldn't help it but smile as well. "Look who woke up my hard working little brother !" I heard Neteyam walk up to me, of course he was joking.. i rolled my eyes but had to smile a little "Bro..not even funny" i commented as he took Tuk up into his arms. I was still looking at the Tulkun when Neteyam got his face close to mine "Stop checking her out like that-", he didn't even have to finish. I backed up because i was cringing so.hard. "What are you even saying ?! Infront of Tuk too?!" I said in shock while Neteyam was laughing. "She wont say anything bro relax!" He said and i just looked at both of them.. "..You think I should go to her?" I ended up asking.. after all he was my brother, I needed his advice sometimes. Neteyam held back a laugh "Lo'ak just go you have such a fat crush on her-" "Shut up!" I yelled and started walking to where we would always jump into the water while i heard Neteyam laughing thinking he was hilarious... hes such a big brother. I jumped into the water and swam up to Tsireya. Her spirit sister.. she noticed me and so Tsireya did too. I saw her turn around and started smiling as she was. She signed for me to come quickly and so I did. I was now infront of her spirit sister and her. I greeted her spirit sister and then looked at Tsireya again. Neteyam was right. I was head over heels for this girl. Not only was I admiring her beauty and all of her special features, but also her strength, kindness, patience.. especially with people like me I don't know how she keeps so calm but I love it. I was spacing out almost when i saw her hands starting to sign something to her spirit sister. "This is Lo'ak, from the Omaticaya clan, far away." She signed. I agreed and now both of them had my full attention. Her spirit sister let out a happy noise, almost sounding proud and when I looked over to Tsireya to figure out what was going on, she was smiling and looked just as happy.. what was going on. I smiled a little awkwardly and her spirit sister looked behind her. Tsireya nodded and took my hand, signaling me to come with her. I of course did. We swam away from the crowd just a bit when I saw another Tulkun. But this wasn't just another. It was Payakan. My eyes widened and I started swimming up to him. "I see you, Payakan" i signed to him. Before i swam up to get some air, still holding Tsireyas hand as she swam up with me. As soon as we got up, she started talking. "Do you see what you have made Lo'ak!" She said "They're.. he's.. with them!" I said visibly happy. "Exactly !" She said as we sat down on Payakans back. "My spirit sister said that the way of the Tulkun has changed, ever since Payakan proved that he was not a Killer, but a protector. And this is all thanks to you meeting him, they brought him with them because you, and him are one of us now." She said. I was looking at her talking and nodded. "This is..crazy.." i said a bit out of breath. Payakan made a noise and turned onto his back, meaning Tsireya and I both fell into the water. When we did, she held onto me for like a second because it surprised her.
We got back into the water and spend our time with the Tulkun until it was starting to get dark, just like everyone else did. The Tulkun left again, with Payakan and I was so happy. Happy for Payakan.. my now spirit brother i'm guessing.
We got out of the water and went to a spot we were used to going to by now. That it was just us two didn't bother me, we went there alone quite often since we hang out a lot. We sat down on the floor. "That was so, so much fun Lo'ak!" She said still smiling. I had calmed down a bit and let my tiredness hit me, but she seemed so happy and excited about it..it made me smile as well. "Right? I'm glad it turned out to be so fine.." i said, closing my eyes while I leaned my head back onto a tree. There was a silence.

(Tsireya's point of view)
But it wasn't an awkward silence. He leaned back and I looked at him. May the great mother let me keep my feelings for this boy.. What my parents told me about seeing other boys didn't make my feelings for him fade one bit. Was liking him rebellious? If so, then I was willing to be that for Lo'ak. I kept looking at him..he just looked so perfect to me, from the inside and outside. I saw him.

(Lo'ak's point of view)
I closed my eyes and enjoyed the time I had left with Tsireya for this day. But after a bit of listening to the silence, my entire body started feeling different, a bit heavy. I looked up to see what it was and when I caught Tsireya staring at me, the heavy feeling was gone immediately. It was her eyes I felt. Her eyes..were shining in the last bits of light the sun gave us, she looked focused but also not. I looked back at her and she didn't seem to notice.. she just looked so cute I don't know how else to describe it. "Uhm" I mumbled, trying to act like she didn't just melt my heart away. She snapped out of it..sadly.

(Tsireya's point of view)
"Sorry i didn't mean to stare oh my.." i said trying not to sound too embarrassed. I was.. he caught me staring !! He must think i'm so dumb or weird or something.. he laughed a little and i looked at him "Don't you laugh !" I said, now laughing a little as well.
"Don't apologize for it you seemed soo zoned out!" He said chuckling. I covered my face in shame.. "thats so weird.." i mumbled and shook my head slightly. He was smiling a little and patted my back "you're probably just tired too" he said. This comforting was not like him at all..

(Lo'ak's point of view)
Did i just touch her just like that..? Why? Thats her way of comforting me.. i don't touch people like that. "Shit sorry I didn't mean to pat you so suddenly" i said and took my hand away. "What? I always do that to you.." she answered "yeah? But I don't I didn't wanna be like weird" I explained myself. "That's not weird. Maybe you like touching the people close to you like friends.. family and you know.. loverss" she explained. She made everything feel so easy. I just nodded as I was looking at her. Tsireya sat up. "But there's something I want to talk about.." she said. I sat up as well, looking at her to go on. She took a deep breath.
"Lo'ak, you now are a official brother of Tulkun." She started.. my mind was all with her. "Lo'ak you.. have my respect and I look to you." She said and took my hand once again, she looked at it and wrapped her hand around my small finger, the "fifth finger" everyone thought of weird. She always did that.. she seemed curious about it and i loved it. I was still looking at our hands but then she started talking. "Lo'ak." She said and i looked at her nodding. "Oel ngati kameie." she said while putting my hand with hers to her chest. This time seemed..way more serious than the first time. It felt like she didn't say this to calm me down and make me feel like i was seen, it felt like, she was actually seeing me, she said this for one reason.

(3rd pov)
Lo'aks ears went up a little. "I see you too Tsireya." He almost whispered and started smiling slightly. Tsireya was smiling as well and leaned in for a hug. Lo'ak was surprised, but hugged her back. "I'm so glad all of this is going good, i'm so grateful!" She said, telling Lo'ak how she feels everytime for the true friend he is. "Mhm..-" was all he could hum. He realized how much Tsireya meant to him and that touching, hugging, being close to her, wasn't like being close to anyone else. She was truly special to him.

1618 words wowww
Sorry it got a bit long. To whoever reads this, would you like longer or shorter chapters ? :)

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