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Plays on this Earth:)
(Lo'ak's point of view)
I was just arriving at hockey practice, it was already dark outside, cold, and it was lightly snowing. I still had my music playing when i entered the ice arena and saw a team of figure skaters on the ice. They were from the same association as my hockey team was, but i never really got to see them. I looked at how easily they moved and spun on the ice without looking like they're even trying, and when I noticed how dumb i was staring, I started to get to my teams changing room. As i was changing, more and more of my team came in to change, all talking about how they just saw the figure skaters. I was kinda in my own thoughts when somebody tapped on my shoulder and asked me: "Did you see em Lo'ak?". It was Ao'nung, our captain. I nodded and hummed "Mhm.. yeah. They looked pretty cool to me" i said and shrugged, and two guys who were close friends sighed and made some annoyed groan when I said that, Ao'nung and I both looked confused at each other and then at the two.
"What?" , I asked. "Yall are crazy for simping over them like that man.." one said with full on confidence.. the other one nodded and added: "they're ruining our ice man! With their little spins. It makes it basically unskatable". Ao'nung looked kind of mad and annoyed.. i knew he took respect in and outside the team seriously but damn he looked annoyed. "You two slip and hurt yourselves from little bumps in the ice? Is that what you're saying?" He asked. I watched the scene unfold and honestly loved where it was going, because those two have been annoying me with their 'just hit puberty, wannabe sigma' talk.. Ao'nung didnt even let them answer, "because if thats what you're saying I cant use you on the team. We got a game soon that I dont wanna lose, and yall wont make it hard for us to win" he said, the two went silent for a bit before one started yapping about how Ao'nung needs to chill and this and that. But Ao'nung had enough of it and slammed the door shut as he left the changing room. I laughed a little at how scared they were and how close Ao'nung was from kicking them out of the team before I got out of the changing room, still smiling i grabbed my helmet and mouth guard as I opened the door and stepped out when i almost got into this girls way. "Oh sorry" I said and was ready to move on. "No need for that" she said.. no need for that? "Huh?" I asked and actually looked up to the person and I cant lie she was pretty. Like..very pretty.
"Theres.. no need to apologize..", she said and i nodded "ah right..thanks" i said and smiled a bit polite at her. She smiled back and turned around, i watched her walk to her group of friends and eyed her a bit up and down, she was wearing some tight black leggings and a jacket with our associations logo and her name on it.. Tsireya. That was her name and i thought of it as i turned around to finally get to the ice. I just opened the door to get to the match field when Ao'nung came up behind me. "You talk to Tsireya?" He asked. I was a bit confused as i stepped onto the ice and turned around to him.
"You know her?" I asked with raised eyebrows, ready to hear about her because duh she was cute..
"Thats my little sister" he said and my jaw almost dropped.. if i didnt contain myself i would've probably screamed..

"Ohh" I said while nodding slowly. "Yesss so do yall talk? Or what is this?" He asked and sounded like.. protective or something.
"Uhh no. I just almost ran into her so i like apologized.", I honestly told him. He didnt look like he believed me but he nodded "alright.. you see you're co-captain about to be captain, I wouldn't ruin my chance" he said and smiled a bit.. talking i shouldn't be more than friends with her. I smiled kind of awkwardly "nah man I wont.." i just said.. acting like i didnt just think about how i best approach her. But luckily he bought it and we started warming up until we were all on ice. Practice went well, but I caught myself thinking about Tsireya like multiple times. It was the amount of times you think about a person when you start having a crush on them and I was literally worried Ao'nung could've somehow noticed. One thing was clear to me tho, i was not gonna get my chance ruined to be captain. Practice was over and i went to get changed and home pretty quickly since I was exhausted. I then took a shower and went down to eat some dinner with Neteyam and Kiri since we all missed dinner because we were out. I sat down with them and we talked a little before Kiri mentioned her friend that actually played in that figure skating team.
"Whats her name again?" I asked Kiri.
"Who's? Nì'awtu?" She asked. "Is that the one from the figure skating team?" I asked and she nodded. "Ah alright.." i said and nodded as I kept listening to Kiri.
"And then she slipped and landed badly on her hand! Well both of them, but one especially. Two of her friends on the team had to help her up because her hands were hurting too bad to push herself up.. and its looking bad.." Kiri told us. "Ouch man.. im sorry to hear that..that sounds horrible.." Neteyam said. "What were the names of the two who helped her up?" I asked. Kiri looked at me with an annoyed expression. "What?" I asked. "Youre not even gonna say something about how bad she got hurt?" Neteyam said and i raised my eyebrows. "Right sorry.. that sounds hurtful. Is she like alright now or did she have to go to a hospital?" I asked and Kiri answered. "Shes at the hospital right now getting it checked but.. whats with you and the figure skating team anyway? Did you ever even see them? Nì'awtu told me your practices are scheduled far apart" she asked. "I did see them today tho" i just said and ate my food when both raised their eyebrows at me. "Andd?" Kiri asked. "And what?" I asked back.
"Bro you're obviously wanting to know something about them, you never even listen to Kiris stories like that", Neteyam said and i looked confused. "What? I listen to Kiris stories!" I said and Kiri had her eyebrow raised. I then looked at her and Neteyam as it got quiet and they started laughing. I had to laugh a bit too..but i didnt even know at what.. "what??" I asked and Kiri looked at me "youre SO bad at lying" she said. "What? I do listen to the stuff you tell us" I said and ate my food. "I dont mean that, i mean what you wanna know about.. well who is it?" She now asked me. We always caught us when it came to things like liking or seeing people.. but honestly, it only felt good catching either Kiri or Neteyam in their feels.. me personally , i was madly embarrassed.. i sighed and looked around. "Her name is like.. Like Tsireya I guess but-" i started, but kiri looked shocked, "TSIREYAA??SHES LIKE NI'AWTUS AND MY BEST FRIEND IN SCHOOL" She almost shouted and i flinched at how surprised she was "KEEP IT DOWN! PLEASE?" i whisper-screamed and she just looked at both of us. At Neteyam, then at me, then back at Neteyam, and then at me. "You do know shes the little sister of like.. your captain right?" She asked me. "Of Ao'nung? Damn i wouldn't wanna mess with him like that.." Neteyam said. "Neteyam because you generally dont mess with people and yes I know that, thats why im not even looking at her like that. Im about to be captain and he even told me i should stay away from her if I dont want to ruin my chance."
I told them, and Neteyam made a sad face and kiri looked disappointed.
"..when do you guys decide whos gonna be captain next?" Kiri asked.
"After the game in a month? Its fast tho we quickly vote in a minute, and since im co captain its VERY most likely gonna be me anyway" I said.
"So just..ask her out after" Kiri said and shrugged. "After? Well me being captain doesn't unmake Ao'nung her big brother yall realize that right?" I asked and Neteyam jumped in, "I guess, but your chance as captain isn't ruined?", he said. He was right, it wasn't, but was I actually gonna do that to Ao'nung? Hes always seemed serious about his little sister.. and I know how disappointed he would probably be in me or Tsireya..or both. He would probably be more furious than disappointed. But I didnt even wanna think of it, because deep down i knew i just wasnt gonna start anything with Tsireya, for Ao'nungs sake.
Dinner ended up with us talking about something else aswell and so i got my mind off it pretty quickly before I went to bed.
The next day I woke up for school and got ready as usual, Tsireya was on my mind a little, i cant lie. But before the thoughts developed to me not being able to stop thinking of her, i left the house and turned my music on to think of something else anyway. School was alright until it was almost lunch time. This girl Ive been close with, and now am friends with texted me, she hasnt texted me in a while now, so i was kinda surprised, wondering if anything happened.


Meet me at lunch? Third floor tho

I was kinda surprised but I never did anything at lunch anyway, and it would be good to catch up with her.. on the third floor tho..?


Meet me at lunch? Third floor tho

Third floor?
4 what up there

Lunch hall is too crowded and
the first floors are too

You ok?

Yea i'm good pookie

Dont EVER call me that again Niriya🙏



I smiled a bit at my phone and was kinda happy to meet her again since we haven't talked in ages. I put my phone down and focused on the last minutes of class before lunch. As soon as the bell rang I got my stuff packed up and went out all the way up to the third floor, going down the hall to see if I could spot Niriya.


🙀🙀🙀long time no read pookies
This chapter will have a few more parts!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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