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(This plays in our world, no pandora today yall)

(Lo'ak's point of view)
I was at my basketball practice with Neteyam, today the whole team stayed longer after practice to practice some more for a game we had tomorrow. Even Ao'nung stayed and he was such a pain in the ass with his captain talking..he loved telling people what to do. I wasn't having it but I was so tired already from school and the practice before that I just went with whatever the other people did..
Neteyam on the other side was so excited for the game, probably because him and Ao'nung have gotten close and I guess playing with your friends is fun? I had some of my friends in this team too but we weren't almost giggling talking to each other..whatever
Practice was done and I was so tired i went straight into the changing room, drank some and pulled a hoodie over just to notice it wasn't even mine, it was Neteyams..
"Lo'ak thats not yours.." he said looking at the hoodie "so what? I'll give it to you when we get home i'll take a shower right away just wear mine for now" i said while changing my shoes. "No, i need it now you know.." he said. "You take my clothes all the time-" "Lo'ak.".
I sighed..his extra ass really wanted his hoodie for just a car ride home? I pulled the hoodie off and put mine on before going to fix my hair a bit while waiting for Neteyam. He walked up to me and as we walked out of the changing room I noticed he wasn't even wearing the hoodie.. he still wore his shirt. "Bro are you.. why aren't you wearing the hoodie ? I could've left it on.." i said. "It's because I have to give it back" he said while making sure it was perfectly folded. I was about to ask what the hell he meant before Ao'nung caught up to us and Neteyams face deadass lightened up as if the Sun was infront of us.. "Oh hi" he said and Ao'nung..smiled ?
"Here's your hoodie sorry I forgot to give it back to you" Neteyam said handing him the hoodie over, Ao'nung looked at him "are you just wearing that on your ride home?" He said looking at Neteyams shirt..was he checking my brother out bro?
Neteyam nodded "yeah it's just a car ride we're getting picked up why?" He said and Ao'nung turned to see if no one was there "keep it until after the game then, we don't want you to catch a cold just before an important game right?" He said and handed his hoodie back to Neteyam. If i was invisible my mouth would be wide open right now.. first of all, when where and why did he gave his hoodie to my brother and second of all did I just wore that dumbasses hoodie..
My thoughts were silenced when Neteyam started speaking "really?" He asked sounding all excited ..no fakey Neteyam. So dumb..
"Yes really" Ao'nung said chuckling and I have never seen him so soft..i dont think they even realized I was there to be honest..
"Thank you!" Neteyam said smiling and Ao'nung even smiled back?? This was so Wattpad man
They said goodbye and i looked over to Neteyam as we walked away from Ao'nung, he was blushing. "Bro I can't with your gay ass-" i started and he looked at me in shock which made me laugh so bad.. "YOUR FACE-", i started, "LO'AK!" He said in a scolding tone and i tried to calm down my laugh "so he wants you too ?" I asked kinda surprised. Neteyam got all shy.. "i don't know man.." he said, i have never seen him this way.
"Oh my god.." i just said as i just calmed down from my laugh.
We went just around the corner to the exit but then someone literally ran against me. I flinched a bit and looked down just to see that the persons books all fell out of their bag.. "Shit i'm so sorry" i said quickly..this was embarrassing. I picked up all the books and noticed that those were more than a student was supposed to have, and they were heavy as hell. I was carrying all the books and then looked up to the person "Sorry again that was my uh.. bad.." i said, looking at Ao'nung's sister..I only heard from her until now and never really saw her up close but wow..

(Tsireya's point of view)
"No i'm sorry students are not supposed to run in hallways.." I said looking at the boy infront of me. He looked a bit..zoned out?
"Uhm..i should take my books now.." i said and he seemed to snap out of it "yeah sure sorry" he said and gave them to me. "Do you need help carrying all those books?" The other boy asked me, i shook my head. "No, my brother is supposed to help me carry them but I just cant find him. Ao'nung, you must know him from basketball right?" I asked and the other boys eyes widened a bit "yes of course ! He just walked back into the changing rooms i'm sure he's there" he said, i nodded "oh thank you. Are you two gonna be at the game tomorrow?" I asked looking at both of them. "Yeah we are playing" the boy I ran into said. I smiled at him. "Well I always wanted to meet some of Ao'nungs teammates! My name is Tsireya" i said. "Lo'ak" the boy i ran into said. "So nice to meet you Lo'ak, and you are?" "Neteyam , nice to meet you Tsireya" he said. "Neteyam? I heard from you! You're a friend from Ao'nung too right ?" I asked..and he nodded, "i guess you could call me a friend yeah" he said. "Mhm..he talks about you" i said, but didn't wanna go into detail because i only knew Ao'nung liked him..but i didn't know about Neteyam.
"Tsireya!" I heard a fourth voice say and Ao'nung came right around the corner. "Ao'nung! Finally! Help me with those books i've been searching you everywhere." I said and he took his books from me. "We have to go dad is waiting on the other side of the school" he said. I nodded and went with Ao'nung, but turned around to say bye. "Bye Lo'ak, bye Neteyam!"

(Lo'ak's point of view)
"Bye" i said and we went out of the building.
That was the prettiest girl I have ever ran into..
"Wow.." i just said and Neteyam laughed a little "What?" I just asked. "Bro someones starstruck" he said and i laughed a bit too. "Neteyam she's bad as hell..and pretty of course i didn't even look at her that way" i added quickly because i didn't wanna sound like other people.
"Oh yeah of course you didn't look at her that way" he said and i rolled my eyes "No I didn't bro!" I said and he was laughing until a car honked at us, we stopped to talking about it and got into dads car. After the ride home i took a shower and basically fell into my bed because of how exhausted i was. I turned off my lights and shut my curtains too, laying down..i was thinking about Tsireya, but as soon as I started to close my eyes I was fast to fall asleep.

(Tsireya's point of view)
"Ao'nung pleeeaasee!" I begged him for his phone. "Tsireya go away! It's late and I wanna talk to my friends about the game!" He said annoyed once again.. but i needed his phone.
"I swear it doesn't even take a minute! I just wanna send myself something Ao'nung please !" I said and was shaking the arm he held his phone with "then what do you want I can send it to you?" He asked and i looked at him. "Uh..you can't like..know-" I said and he pulled his arm from me. "Tsireya you're annoying me just go!" He said "if you don't give me your phone I'm telling Neteyam everything! Because I know what he looks like now and i even know his brother !" I said while trying to get his phone "Are you crazy?! Here take it but I swear if you do something else with it!" He said and let his phone go. I smiled in pure success and got my phone out, going onto the basketballs group chat to search for Lo'aks number..it may be creepy but I was way too shy to ask him. I took a photo of his number and closed the gc before putting Ao'nungs phone back. "See how fast?? Bye thank you!" I said and ran out of his room, even closing the door. I quickly said goodnight to everyone and got up into my room. I sighed, i have done everything..showered..my skincare..even picked an outfit for tomorrow. I was nervous about texting him. I kept thinking of what to say while turning my lights off and getting into bed. "Hey are you Lo'ak? No.. Is this Lo'ak? Noo thats dumb.. Hey Lo'ak! Is creepy.." i talked to myself. I was thinking for probably an hour if i'm not gonna lie and then ended up with something just as similar as all of my other ideas.

Hii is this Lo'ak?


It in fact is Lo'ak 😱
Hope yall liked some Human Tsireya and Lo'ak bc theres gonna be a part 2 including chats woww
AND ALSO WHAT 117 PEOPLE READ MY FIRST CHAPTER THIS IS CRAZY may not seem like much to you but i thought the only person who was gonna read this are me reading myself to sleep bro thank you 🧌
Until next chapter byee

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