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(Aged up againn this whole chapter is inspired by moonlight from kali uchis ml SHES SO BAD BROOO okay who said that)

(Lo'ak's point of view)
It was a really warm night and Tsireya was over at mine. We have been out all day and she was gonna stay over so she wanted to do skincare on me and buy like 300 different products.. for whatever reason..
Dad, mom and Tuk left for one week for a trip to somewhere but Neteyam and I didnt go so we could do our own stuff during the holidays. So he was somewhere tonight and Tsireya and I had the whole house to ourselves basically.. we were laying in bed and watched the moon shine into my room as the only light source right now. I turned to her and looked at her for a bit.
"..wanna get high?" I asked and she looked a bit surprised. I started smiling and she did too "i dont do that so much.." she started. "If you dont want to we can just leave it i really dont mind" i said while laying down on her stomach. "Its not like i dont want to but like.." she started. I raised my eyebrows and looked at her. "Im probably gonna cough.." she said and i held back a laugh, "thats why you're skeptical about it?" I asked and she started smiling again and lightly hit me "don't laugh!", "i'm not laughingg!" I said and got up slowly "so what if you're gonna cough? Im not trying to get you into anything but after a while you will just get used to it" i said while opening my drawer and taking a box out. "You don't get me into anything i wouldn't start smoking" she said and sat down behind me to watch. "Mh.. you know how everyone says that" i said while grinding. "Like if you smoke regularly someday you will find yourself not being able to go without it" i said and finished grinding. "Thats why you should onlyy do stuff like that with me" i said and turned to look at her smiling. She turned my face back to my box, "thats only because you dont want me to smoke with other guys" she said so straight up.. "if they would be as loyal as me I would let you do almost everything with other guys but you know they definitely isnt tho so.." i explained myself while rolling up a blunt carefully. Tsireya said something and kissed my neck but in all honesty i was so focused.. "you do it so good.." she said and i held back a laugh "huh??" I asked smiling while finishing the blunt. I put my box away and got my lighter out.

(Tsireya's point of view)
"What huhh? It looked cool like..you did it good.." i said and he smiled at me "i do other stuff good too-" he started and got closer to me but i just pushed his face away and laughed with him. I leaned back with him and watched him light the blunt. I was just realizing how much that was when i saw him blowing the smoke away from me and handing it to me. I slowly took a hit and kept it in for a bit while handing it to him again, i blew the smoke away from him and when i looked at him, he was looking at me. "No coughing?" He asked me smiling. I shook my head and had to smile a bit as well. "You're so cute" he said before blowing out smoke and handing the blunt back to me. I smiled and blew him a kiss before taking another hit.

(Lo'aks point of view)
An hour had passed, it was midnight by now and the blunt was finished, well almost.. I noticed how high Tsireya was and even though I probably wasn't better, i decided the hit she was taking now was gonna be the last one.
"Mmh.. thats enough now." I said and dabbed it on my box to turn it off and put it back in. "Whatt??" Tsireya asked and watched the box go back inside my drawer. "You're so high Reya.." I said laughing a bit, Tsireya laughed as well but confidently started "i could take a few mo-" "noo sh sh sh" i said and just shook my head. She never knew where her lines were gonna get crossed.. wether if it was smoking, drinking, studying.. i looked at her while being super close to her face. She looked a bit disappointed and i smiled, "all of the smoke in this room isnt gonna go anywhere too, trust me you will feel everything a bit more intense in a bit if you aren't already.." i told her and she was just looking at me. I had to smile again before i kissed her slowly "you good?" I asked and she nodded. She slowly kissed me back and both of us closed our eyes. I felt her lips on mine so intensely but also..messy and not..? Whatever it was it was definitely Tsireya and thats what I liked about it. I slowly put my hands on her waist to pull her closer and just go with whatever we were gonna do. She put her arms around my neck and didn't pull away from the kiss, it was at a point where she sat on my lap fully, my hands were around her waist going down and everything felt warm and a bit messy.. We pulled away from each other slowly and i made my way to her neck, softly kissing and sucking on whatever spot until i felt her lean on my shoulder. I stopped "Hm?" I asked to check up on her, "..can I still do your skincare?" She asked mumbling a bit. I smiled a bit "sure you can..you bought so much tho.." i said and laid back. She was still on my lap but grabbed the bag we had full with skincare. "Its not thatt much" she said and started talking about what it was, i listened to her while letting her start putting some eye thing under my eyes..it felt cold but she seemed to like it on me so i let her do whatever. She was putting some cream on my face and massaged it in while i looked at her. "You're so beautiful.." i said and she smiled a bit. She kissed me before going to unpack some oil and i smiled. The moon was high up now and i saw it through my window..the light was on my bed so perfectly, i could see Tsireya moving slowly and so..perfectly..
After a while of her massaging my face she slowly took the eyepads off and rubbed the liquid it left under my eyes in.
"..stop looking at me like that." She said and i frowned. "Like what?" I asked while closing my eyes. "Like thattt" she said and i smiled, "i cant look at my girlfriend?" "Nope" she said before pressing a kiss on my lips. I opened my eyes and put my arms around her as i gave her a kiss back. "Mm don't tell me what i can and cant look at.." i said, "oh but you can?" She asked and i sighed "i dont mean that i mean dont tell me to not look at you, literally who else is gonna look at you the way I do, nobody." I said pulling her closer and eventually into a hug.

(Tsireya's point of view)
"I will look at you all I wanttttt" he said while hugging me tightly and I laughed, "okayy Lo'ak we got it" i said and looked at him. He shook his head "how when you told me to not look at you?? For what? You act like nobody else looks at you.." he said and put hair out of my face. "I dont care about who else looks at me.." i told him and he looked at me with his eyes again..this look on him was so bad, not in a bad way but it made me feel different kinds of butterflies. "I do tho you just dont get it" he said and i rolled my eyes "blablablal" i said and he hugged me tightly. I returned the hug and cuddled up to him.. "i love you Lo'ak.." i said while looking at him. He smiled and kissed me, "i love you so much more Reya." He said and i smiled, he really made me the happiest person alive.


Thought you were gonna get nsfw LMAOO keep thinking😝 i hope you liked this chapter andd i should come up with some pandora stuff again but i have no ideas literally so please drop inspos yall 😓 see u next chapterr

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