Chapter 2

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A pink evening sky on a Friday. She would love that.

I was sent out to get her because everyone else was busy getting ready. I didn't mind at all. After-all I was here only for her. It's not that I don't like music. I love it to death. But she was a bigger reason for me to accept this deal. Vinayak says she hasn't signed it yet but she will.

I head to where I'm told to go. I see her at the entrance. She looks beautiful as always. Except she has flipped 180* in these long13 years. At that moment, it was like time froze. I observed her carefully. She got three piercings in her right ear and two in the left. Her hair were now till her shoulders and they were dyed lavender at the ends. But her glasses were still the same color. Golden. She wore a short white dress which seemed like a really long hoodie to me for some reason. And I have no idea why but she had it's hood on in such a hot weather. The girl is still crazy I suppose.

I knew she wouldn't strike a conversation so I said hi to her but as expected she didn't say anything. In her world a nod could suffice most words. I helped her grab her bags. Fortunately enough she didn't bring much luggage like the other boys. I led her in the house.

She seemed to be taken aback when she saw everyone. It could have been because everyone was still putting on their shirts but mostly because she realized she was the only woman there. But being the good girl she was, she didn't seem to mind. They all greeted her and she greeted them back but her smile was fake. Then came in Vinayak.

"Aryan please take her to your room and away from these half naked monkeys."- said Vinayak. The single sentence put a smile (real smile) on her lips for a second but it faded again when she understood what he meant. She didn't seem alright with the idea of us sharing a room. It was all over her face. I don't like to see her frown but this was something I planned myself so I couldn't help it. I know she doesn't wanna talk to me but this was the only way I could think of.

She argued with Vinayak for a while but she couldn't win against him. I ended up taking her to my room. The house was one story only but had a terrace which gave the view of the beach. It was nice to live near the ocean for 2 weeks whole. Especially with her. I tried helping her with her bags but she denied it. Still Stubborn.

"We are all supposed to go for dinner now. Vinayak says we have to dress formally because it's a fancy restaurant. Do you need to shop before it or anything?"

"No I have a dress. When do we leave?"- She spoke. She finally spoke!

"In about 30 minutes."

"Alright I'll start getting ready right away."

She picked her stuff from one of her bags and went in the bathroom. It felt awkward to wait for her like that. But she came out pretty soon. The sight was pleasing as ever. It was a black dress. It hugged her body so beautifully and lasted a little lower than her waist. There was this little pendant But the look on her face said something was wrong. She walked up to the mirror. I wondered why because she had already put on a lipstick and needed nothing more than that. I saw it later on that she was struggling with the zipper at the back of her dress.

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