Chapter 1

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"I'm sorry, is there something that I said that left you confused young Traveler?"


Katheryne remained unfazed by the white-haired man in front of her. "I was told by Lesser Lord Kusanali to not allow you to accept any commissions of the Adventurers' Guild for the moment."

"..." F/N slouched at the response. "Why is she like this...?" He huffed.

"Is there any other reason you're here for the Adventurers' Guild?"

"Come on, please just let me do a commission!"

"I'm sorry, but at the current moment you're on hold and cannot be allowed to accept any commissions."

"My mother doesn't need to know..." F/N whispered as he leaned forth and smiled. "We can just keep this a secret between the both of us~" He pleaded quietly.

"Lesser Lord Kusanali also informed me to tell you, and I quote, 'I am always watching. So don't go against my words.'"

"Scary..." He shivered. He forgot all about the fact that his mom can observe everyone if she wished, especially him. "Well, I guess I'd like to put a request up."

"Of course. What would the request be?"

"Eh, it's nothing too hard. Just a few pictures of different types of Fungus. Oh, and can you also tell them to make sure the pictures don't come out blurry? I don't want blurry photos kept in my memory book."

"I will make sure to tell them that." Katheryne chuckled as she nodded at the man.

"Well, I'll be on my way now..." He waved goodbye to Katheryne as he walked away with his hands in his pockets.

"Have a great day young Traveler! Do not forget... Lesser Lord Kusanali is always watching!" Katheryne yelled to the man while some of the residents of the city stared at her in the process.

"Creepy..." He shuddered. "Well, I guess she was serious about having me take it easy and rest. She wasn't kidding when she said that she was not letting me do anything else. What a life..." He hummed with his arms raised over his head and heard a few pops from his bones.

He understands that he makes people worry, especially his mother who must have feared that he was gonna die. Unlike in the past, he learned to value life more. Thanks to his caretakers, to the friends he made, he became more...happy. A smile formed on his face as he recalls the past, he then blinked in the process.

Now that I think about it... How is it that I became acquainted with Ms. Theresa and the others?

... I remember. It was that one rainy the cemetery.


He stared at the names engraved on the tombstones. He stared at the epitaph as many flowers surrounded the three graves.

The many flowers didn't come from him. They were from coworkers and friends that his father made at his job.

His father was a Captain. A Captain who was tasked with ordering and leading Valkyries into battle. These flowers must come from the Valkyries he grew bonds with during his time as a Captain.

His father told him stories about them. A fun group is what he can think of from the way his father described them. His father also retired from being a Captain two years ago when he was 15. He had enough money saved up in his savings account from how well his job paid.

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