Chapter 8

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Cruising among the path. He and his mother sat in silence as they enjoyed the view of the environment. With the fresh wind hitting him, he can only look on while his hair waves around with the wind.

"Boat rides sure are nice. Especially with this kinda weather." He looked at Nahida with his usual smile. "Must be nice to be on Neuvillette's side. Compared to the other archons, you're on his nice list." He smiled at the privilege.

"Well, he has his reasons for disliking the others after all." Nahida moved her head around left to right with the wind currents hitting her.

"I guess..." He sighed with a nod and closed his eyes. "Still, he is quite terrifying haha. I can't help but feel like he's judging me every moment we see each other. Haha, I think that kinda applies to all the other archons I suppose..."

"Are you scared?" Nahida looked at the boy who calmly opened his eyes. She observes his body composure and the way he slouches slightly. His eyes tell everything and his composure is calm.

"Not at all. The only thing I'm scared of is getting in trouble with my caretakers and sisters...basically the people close to me back on Earth." An aloof smile was plastered as he answered her. "However, it's not that I'm scared of the archons. I feel like we're in a nice relationship with one another or we don't harbor ill intent. But I can't help but be cautious around them. Their eyes judge me but it's like any moment, they're ready to strike at me should I do something bad..." He looked ahead toward the path to the Court of Fontaine. He doesn't understand why the archons are wary of him or find a need to judge him with their eyes. He can see through their pupils that despite their usual calmness or friendliness, there still lies a look of judgment being passed on him.

Even someone such as Venti, probably one of the most carefree and spirited people he's met also has that look in his eyes that judges him or finds him to be dangerous. And that means a lot coming from such a friendly person.

"You sure are good at reading people's eyes." Nahida said.

"It's something I've come to learn. Perhaps from observing a lot. You were quite judgmental and wary of me for a while." F/N told her as he looked at her in the eyes. "Either you're so good at deceiving that not even I can detect any hidden look in your eyes, or you aren't wary of me."

"Hmm. You think I'm deceiving you?" Nahida asked while tilting her head with a prolonged stare as her eyes met his gray ones. "When did you stop seeing the hidden wary in my eyes?" She was curious about his answer. Regardless, she is curious about many things. And her son is just a bundle of secrets she wants to unveil! His ability as a whole can open many new gates to the information she wishes to learn. The technology, the history, and everything about Earth are fascinating and she seeks to learn more.

"When did I realize you stopped?" Her son squinted as he looked to be thinking of the exact moment in the past. "I think it was a few days after living with you. I'm not sure why, but one day your caution just...disappeared."

"Hmm. I see." Nahida nodded at F/N's words. The two fell into a comfortable silence for a while as they enjoyed their ride. Eventually, they reached the Court of Fontaine and thanked the Melusine for the ride. They got off the boat which was stationed on the Clementine Line.

"That went smoothly don't you think?" Nahida asked as they walked into the elevator.

"Yeah. The weather over here is usually nice. If we weren't here because of business of sorts then I would like to go relax on the shore and get tanned." F/N answered.

"Not everything has to do with business. This is just an invitation to enjoy some dessert and drinks with the Iudex of Fontaine and Furina." Nahida reminded him as the elevator finally opened and they reached the first floor.

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