Chapter 9

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The two of them had done a bit of walking, deciding to get to Liyue territory and wait for the others. The two of them waited at Stone Gate, Liyue, right by the watch tower and the strange floating waypoint of sorts that is blue. They were amazed at the scenery that can be seen by Stone Gate as they were met with the view of Liyue. True to Venti's words, you can see a lot of land and mountains followed by bodies of water.

"There's a beacon of light up ahead. It's another statue like the one by that giant tree I saw Venti on." Kiana told Mei as the two had been waiting around for a while now. The people down at the station section of Stone Gate must be wondering what they're doing given they haven't moved at all and simply were by the wooden fence. "Hey hey, do you think F/N found this scenery to be pretty?" She asked Mei while leaning against the fence.

"He enjoys what is in front of him. He is a fanatic when it comes to taking pictures for memories."

"So is that a yes?" Kiana asked with a derpy expression.

"Yes, Kiana..." Mei strained her eyes toward the Kaslana.

"Hey! I know that look of yours! You're judging me." Kiana pouted.

"And for good reason too." Mei continued to judge her "slow" partner. She's a bit low on her INT attribute as you can see. "Moving on, there's something I want to discuss a bit about. It's about this world's currency."

"Oh yeah, mora was it?" Kiana asked as she pulled out a single coin of mora and stared at it. "That lady we helped who was getting attacked by those local monsters, Hilichurls were they? She gave these to us as a reward." It was about 1000 mora in a pouch they were given. It was all the lady had on her as a way to thank them for saving them.

Mei looked inside the pouch and pulled out another coin. "Pure gold." She whispered while staring at the golden coin in her hand. "The fact that this is the world's currency is phenomenal. A single coin can be sold for a lot in our world." Gold is one of the world's most precious metals after all and is high in value.

"Hehe~ I can't wait to go back home! I'm gonna be rich!" Kiana greedily rubbed her hands together. The bags of money that she will receive when exchanging the mora is played in her mind. "How much will I get? Thousands of dollars? Ten Thousand dollars? Millions!?" She doesn't care, all that she knows is that she's gonna be filthy rich. Her eyes were full of greed, her pupils turning into dollar signs like a cartoon.

"This money that we received will be going to all the bills that you need to pay off." Mei sharply said causing Kiana to freeze. "All the property damage and city damages from your reckless and childish antics will be paid off with the gold."


"No buts."

"Aww..." Kiana sulked as she slumped depressingly against the fence. She then glared at the building from afar which looked to be an inn of sorts. "Stupid bills. Stupid mayor and government... Who do they think they are!? I'm Kiana Kaslana! I'm the strongest person in the universe! I can rule the world if I wanted to!" She declared as she gripped the fence and yelled to the sky.

"The strongest in the universe you say?"

"!" Kiana widened her eyes at the familiar voice that spoke up from behind her. It was more terrifying because she felt a hand grip her shoulder instantly when the voice spoke. "A-ah..." She slowly turned her head to look behind her.

"H-hi dear..." Siegfried sweats as behind him Sirin and Bianka are also looking on, equally nervous.

"H-hi Mama..." Kiana weakly said as Cecilia gripped her shoulder with an iron grip. "I was talking about how I'm gonna try and be a good girl!" She may be the strongest but she's scared of one person.

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