Chapter 10

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He hummed with a soft look as he stared ahead at the sidewalk as he and Furina had finished buying dessert for each other. He didn't need to look to his side to see the happy expression on the former Archon's face. He can feel the bright and warm aura radiating from her. The aura is so bright that even the people passing by couldn't help but glance at such a happy person.

"I always tell Neuvillette that he is missing out but he never wishes to come." Furina sipped her smoothie once again with satisfaction.

"Neuvillette is a busy man. He hardly has enough free time as he runs the nation." He tried to reason as he looked at the mall from afar that they headed to. "Either way, I don't think he likes the idea of him being gone from Fontaine even for just a second. If anything happens without him being there then he will probably fault himself."


"You even listening?" He raised his brow as all that he got was the sound of a smoothie being slurped. He turned to his side and saw Furina bopping her head left and right while enjoying her drink. "You're in your own little world..." He muttered to himself as she didn't hear him at all. 

Well...whatever I guess." He didn't bother much as he let Furina enjoy herself. A smile was on his face as he sipped his chocolate smoothie.

Walking around the city feels nice. He wouldn't lie and say he didn't feel a tad homesick. That would be too cruel for him.

'Of course, I may be seen as the cruelest person there is out there by everyone else.' He chuckled to himself with a bit of nervousness as he took another sip of his smoothie. He knows he's delaying his inevitable doom by running away from the problem instead of confronting it.

'But can you blame me!?' He shook quietly at the thought of everyone. 'I'm screwed as it is regardless of going back! I might as well continue running away since I'm already screwed, to begin with!' Running. Confronting. To hell with it, he'll just deal with it when they get to him! He doesn't think he'll be ready for it. 'But fuck it, we ball.'

"Hmm? Now why are you shaking? Is your drink that good?" Furina asked as she noticed F/N was shaking a lot. "Let me get a sip!" She went ahead and grabbed his smoothie.

"H-hey! Back off! This is mine!" F/N snatched it back as he saw Furina pout as he took it away.

"Gimme a sip!"


"Come on! It has to be good if you were shaking! So gimme!"

"No! Mine!"


"C'est magnifique!"

Glossing over the clothing section, he looked at Furina who grinned as he was next to her, watching.

"I knew the clothing store was the first place you were gonna go to." He said, sounding smug as he crossed his arms. "What are you thinking of grabbing this time?"

"I've been thinking of getting a new dress for a while."

"A dress huh?" F/N hummed as the image of Furina in a dress came to his mind. With the background of Fontaine's body of water, with her posing and the lower ends of her dress flowing with the wind, he blushed. "Regardless of what you choose, you'll look great no matter what." He smiled.

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