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Day 5

"Hello hello? I brought something for you."


"I see... You're still asleep huh?"


"No worries. Take all the time you need, I promised that once you wake up, I will be here to greet you."


"Your fever has gotten've been unconscious for these past few days. I'm afraid this is not a normal fever."


"No worries though, that's why I am here. To take care of you when you don't have the strength to do so yourself."


The sounds of water splashing rang through the room. In the singular bed lays an unconscious person.

Rinsing the washcloth and looking over at the man, she placed the cool washcloth over his forehead and watched as his chest moved up and down in the same manner. A small worried smile swept her face as the man continued to breathe heavily in his sleep while sweat falls from his forehead.

"In the meantime, I've washed your clothes. They were dirty from the rain and mud. I prepared them for that when you wake up, you'll be in comfort." She spoke out, hoping that her voice can at least comfort the sickened man.

With a jump, she got off the bed and lightly landed on the ground. She stood right next to the man and smiled while wishing him well for his recovery.

"I have to go now, I wish I can stay here for a bit longer but I still have a duty to do. I hope when I come back, you're in better condition than you are right now."


Day 9

She closed the book in her hand as a sigh escaped from her lips. Blankly she stared at the cover of the novel. She looked over at the body that has continued to remain unconscious and unmoving.

"The Light Novel that I read was quite a sad one. Would you like to hear about it in the meantime?"


"No... I suppose you wouldn't want to hear about it." She closed her eyes and shook her head with disagreement. "Knowing you, a sad ending would cause you to weep and wail, that isn't something you need right now." She frowned as she jumped off the bed and walked over to the bookshelf.

She placed the Light Novel back on the shelf and picked up another one. A small smile formed on her lips as she walked back to the bed and sat by the man's side as usual. "Now this one is interesting, I haven't read it myself but it looks quite interesting. Humans come up with the most interesting ideas don't they?"

I Turned Into a Geovishap Hatchling!

She opened the Light Novel open to the first page while humming happily.


Day 14

"I've brought you more."

"O-Oh! T-Thanks."

"Hehe. There's no need to be shy, eat as much as you like!"

"You say that but you're the one who keeps forcing me to eat. I feel like exploding."

"You've been out for a long time. I was worried about you."


She noticed that the man's gaze softened at her words. He rubbed his nose in a manner she learned that expressed he was feeling sorry.

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