Chapter 3

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"How did I do Mr. F/N?"

" look a bit too trigger-happy using my gun..." F/N smiled weakly, a sense of fear at the innocent look Collei gave him while she shot a target with his gun that she was interested in when she first saw him use it in combat. Ever since then, he would train her with using his pistol since she always looked like she wanted to try it out. "Your aim is better...a bit too good..." He looked at the target which was just a puppet.

He is concerned given Collei requested a blue-haired wig to be placed on the puppet. He already knows the reason but he prefers to act naive to it otherwise it will continue to terrify him. It seems she can't wait for sweet revenge.

Yeah...focus on murdering somebody. He sweats as he sees the target's head has multiple bullet holes.

"It's all thanks to you Mr. F/N!"

"Please... I already told you F/N is fine..."


"What was that Mr. F/N?" Collei looked behind her and blinked innocently as three bullet holes were carved into the puppet's head.

"N-Nothing..." Seriously! She's quite scary! He gulped, he wonders if Tighnari knows of this side of her. "Anyway, how about we call it a day for now? I hate to tell you this, but there's only enough ammunition I have." His source comes from making a portal to a gun shop and stealing the ammo when nobody is watching. Eh...he hopes Theresa and the others don't find out that information.

"That much time has passed quickly?" Collei realized that given they were finishing up, a long time must have passed. She saw that the sun was setting already "S-Sorry Mr. F/N... I lost track of time." She apologized while handing the man back his weapon.

"Don't sweat it. Also, stop calling me mister already. Just F/N is fine." He put his gun back in its holster with a satisfied hum. "You've been progressing well during training. It seems like you're good in general when it comes to using range weapons."

"Thank you Mr. F/N. But please don't praise me a lot, I still have a long way to go..."

"Accept some flattery from time to time. And stop calling me Mr. F/N—who am I kidding? You're not gonna stop after all these times you've called me that." He sighed as he and Collei began walking away. "Just call me whatever you want then."

"Then I shall continue calling you Mr. F/N."

"Knew it." He snorted with amusement. "Let's just get going now, I'm sure Tighnari is waiting for you."

"Ahhh! I almost forgot about Mr. Tighnari! I must've worried him with how much time has passed!" Collei panicked and rushed off without hesitation.

"C-Collei! W-WAIT!" F/N rushed after the green-haired girl with concern. If she were to pass out midway, he wouldn't know how to grieve that he was at fault for not making sure she arrived back to Tighnari in safety. "I know you can hear me so wait!"


*Pant* *Pant* *Pant* *Pant*

"Is he going to be okay, Mr. Tighnari?" Collei stared down at F/N with concern as he lays on the hard wooden floor while panting.


"He'll be fine." Tighnari blankly looked at F/N who was gasping for air at this point. "Why did you run all the way here?"

After a few seconds, F/N slowly began getting back up from the ground as he groaned. "C-Collei panicked when she realized that it was already quite late and you must've been waiting for she ran off and I tried to chase after her to make sure...she...she doesn't get hurt or passed out." He took a few more breaths as he crouched a bit and his hands gripped his knees tightly. "Holy shit! For a sick girl, she's so agile..."

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