Chapter 4

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"You've blanked out again..."

"Where's the problem with that?"

"The problem lies in the fact that you're not supposed to blank out in public! I had to drag you because you didn't hear me call out to you numerous times!"

"Are you not feeling well?"

"If you were feeling sick, you could've told me before I brought you to come with us."

He looked on at the three in front of him, then over at the crosswalk with silence. He blinked as he recalled walking as soon as the light turned green with the others, the next thing he knows he was staring off into his elder sister's stern and concerned gaze. She must have known that he came back to his senses as she told him of his habit once again. He looked over at the three and scratched his head with a wary smile.

"S-Sorry. I really didn't mean for that to happen." F/N apologized. "One moment I'm walking with you guys, and the next thing I see is Sirin looking right at me."

"Let's call it a day. It's clear that you need to lay in bed and rest. You've been blanking out a lot recently..." Sirin, the eldest out of the four said.

"We have been out for a while, going home sounds appropriate." Bianka said.

"..." Kiana remained silent as she looked on with concern for her brother. She saw as he looked at her other sisters with a blank look as they talked. "Captain did say you occasionally blank out, but he never told us you did it this much." She told F/N who looked over at her and chuckled.

"Trust me, I don't think I've ever blanked out this much as I've done today... I'm not sure what's up truthfully." F/N shrugged as he sighed with concern. "I've been taking care of myself, so I'm not sure why this is happening." He said.

"Well, we can worry about that later." He felt a hand clamp on his shoulder as he saw Bianka look at him. "For now, you should get some rest. Maybe if you were to sleep, you can feel better from whatever is making you blank out."

"I would say let's go back to the Hyperion... but it is quite far away." Sirin mumbled. "We're far closer to home are we not?"

"That is true." Bianka nodded. "I hope mother and father have a futon ready for him."

"Already texting them about it!" Kiana said as she was on her phone. "Asking mom to make some warm soup as well in case F/N has a cold."

"His temperature is normal." Bianka mumbled as she touched her brother's forehead. "Maybe he caught a virus?"

"That wouldn't be the case. He doesn't have a runny nose." Sirin went ahead and inspected her brother's face, then she brought it closer and examined his eyes. "I do see some eye bags."

"Lack of sleep maybe?" Bianka examined F/N's face as well.

"Maybe. That would explain the blank outs." Sirin nodded.

"..." F/N sweat dropped as he looked at Bianka and Sirin discussing with one another while examining him. He looked over at Kiana who was still on her phone, contacting her parents most likely as he closed his eyes and huffed.

He's not that fragile...

But it is nice to have such caring sisters.


"What do you think?"

"I think it looks perfect."

"Are you saying that just to sound sweet?"

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