Chapter 2

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"Can I ask you something?"

"Hmm? What is it, son?"

"Eh...still feels weird being called that by you." F/N groaned as he held the fishing rod with embarrassment while his mother simply giggled as she sat on a swing made of Dendro energy and a book that she is reading. "A-Anyway, there's something that I want to ask you!"

"What would that be?" She perked up from the book she was reading and looked at her son as he shook front and back on the log he sat on.

"I've been thinking of what you told me the other day, I put some more thought into it and I feel like I really messed up not trying to go back home." He scratched his arm slightly with anxiety. "I don't know why, I feel like I messed up big time."

"Geez now you realize it?"

"Hey, no need to give me that sass! You're my mother!"

"A mother can be sassy towards their children." Nahida pointed out. "But why bring this up all of a sudden?"

"Call it a hunch you know? I don't know why, but I feel a lot of shivers going down my spine." The feeling of dread appeared out of nowhere for him. Yet his instincts tell him that everyone has to do with those feelings he's sensing right now.

"Perhaps it's fate telling you that the inevitable doom you've run from is now coming your way."

"Ugh..." He groaned as he slumped while holding the fishing net. "You might be right... I'm a doomed man."

*Pat* *Pat*

"There there." Nahida calmly patted the man on the head as she hears him grumble. "I'll be there with you if you need someone by your side."

"Uwah... I'm dead meat I tell you. Dead meat—W-Woah—"


Nahida watched as F/N was pulled into the river and winced at the noise caused in the progress. She saw water bubbles emit as she saw him float back up while gasping out loud trying to breathe. "Remind me to pay attention to what my rod manages to catch no matter how distracted I am." F/N says as he coughs repeatedly. "Ugh...what bit the bait anyway? It probably swam off too..." He groaned.


"Haha...laugh it up." He stared at his mother with a frown as she found his situation humorous.

"You should get up from the water, you don't want to catch a cold now do you?"

"Don't need to tell me twice. Achoo!"

"Don't tell me you're sick now?" Nahida sighed at the sneeze. F/N scratched his nose in response while shivering from the cold water.

"Don't be silly. It's just that I sneeze a few times because of the sun." F/N sneezed once again. "In my world, it's known as the Photic Sneeze Reflex."

"Photic Sneeze Reflex?" Nahida gazed at him with interest as he slowly got up from the water. His fishing rod at hand as the bait was no longer there which caused him to frown.

"Yeah. It's essentially sneezing due to exposure to bright light. But don't worry, it's not a disease of some kind. It's not harmful as well, just simple sneezing." He looked down at his body as he frowned at his wet clothes. He shook his head as water shoots everywhere. "Gonna need a shower now and a nice coffee... I'm shivering." He shudders while holding himself.

"Come on, let's go home now~" Nahida grabbed the man's hand and pulled him causing him to stop holding himself as he followed after her. "You can always fish another time. For now, you must take a bath before you gain a cold." She wasn't taking no for an answer.

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