Chapter 6

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Looking over a pile of books, he scratched the back of his head and sighed. He looks at a book that he opened as it lies on the table. The family album.

A lot of pictures were shown of his children when they were young. Flipping over the pages, his children were older as his daughters had grown into fine and strong warriors.

As he flipped over the pages, a new face began to show as not only was it his family, but a boy with white hair and gray eyes. If anyone didn't know any better, then they would've assumed that the boy was his flesh and blood from the hair color that he could've inherited from both him and his wife.

To describe F/N when he was still a young teenager who was nearing adulthood, he would say that the boy kept things to himself and was quiet. The stoic expression he held made it hard to know what he was thinking or feeling. His eyes betrayed nothing and made it hard to read.

From what the Captain used to say about his son, he used to be quite lively. After the incident that took place where both his grandparents died, he became quieter and less joyful. The emotional trauma of losing his grandparents left him scarred as they were told that F/N recalls each detail of his grandparents' limp hands with blood dripping off them and falling onto the ground.

He grimaced at the thought as he recalled the news of the tragic "car" accident. That was all but a coverup of what unfolded. However, even someone like F/N doesn't know the truth. F/N can't recall what transpired but only knew that there was a "crash" and the single moment of his grandparents' deaths that he can recall.

He shook his head at the thought of the past. The Captain said that F/N wasn't the same as when he was a kid as he grew older, but he did begin to speak more and managed to express himself a bit from time to time.

All that progress that the Captain did went back to zero, huh? He thought given that the Captain described his teenage son many times to be was not what they had seen when they met him. He still recalls seeing the boy at the Captain's funeral.

F/N to an extent felt like a son to him and his wife. He also began to feel like a brother to his daughters as they grew attached to him just as he grew attached to them. It took a while until F/N began to be expressive, happy, and show interest in many things as the years went by.

Siegfried sighed as he thought about the boy. To disappear without saying anything...what the hell were you thinking? Two years have passed without signs of F/N. There are only so many people that know of the ability that F/N has. The ability to cross through other worlds. 

They can only speculate that F/N left to the other world that he can freely go to any moment without saying anything. They did all that they could to search for the boy in their world, so they thought that he was not in this world.

He's heard that Theresa and the others have been trying to find the world that F/N traveled to. He has heard no news yet if they've managed to find the universe that F/N is in.

Although he's calm about this whole situation, not doubting that F/N isn't dead and that he's doing fine, he can't help but still feel a tad worried as he's a father himself and so his parental instincts flare up at the thought of F/N's situation. Two years passed and still no news...sadly it makes him wonder if F/N abandoned all of them.

A sad way to think of it, but the more you think of it, the more you can't help but lean to it. Randomly leaving one day, no signs of coming back. Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, and months turned to two years. That in itself implies that they've been abandoned or something bad happened.

Unlike his wife who just like him thought of the boy as a son, he wasn't imagining the worst or was worried every second. The first few months... Cecilia was quite in an unhealthy state because of F/N's disappearance. Although she's calmed down, she still worries and he can't fault her—

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