Chapter 11

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"I've got it."

"Good job as always, Bronya. Besides AI-Chan, you're the only other person we can rely on with technology."

"I would like an increased salary, Ms. Himeko."

"Of course you'd say that." Himeko sighed as she shook her head. "Anyway, where is he currently located?"

"Right at the city. Looks like he's heading north." Bronya said as she then pressed a few buttons on the control panel. "I hacked into the traffic cameras. Who's that girl next to him?" In the live footage the two watched, it was F/N in the flesh. Right next to him was a girl smaller than him, wearing a fashionable outfit that stood out followed by her hat.

"We can figure it out later." HoV, aka Void, said as she was also in the room with a few others. "We've got a bad child to capture." A grin was plastered over her face. Not of amusement, or joy, but out of pure anger. Her brother has been gone for two years. And what do they see again, he's out with some random girl as if he didn't disappear. He's getting what's coming to him.

"Is it really necessary for all of us to go?" Seele had asked given they were all called for a reason. "Just having Void go should be right?"

"Oh Seele, so naive." Veliona sighed as she smiled at her. "The more people there are, it'll lower the chance he'll have any time to escape."

"I'm all that is needed to capture my brother." Void twiddled her hair around with her finger with boredom. "However at the same time, it is true that having more people lowers the chance that he can create a portal and try to leave. This is an opportunity that cannot be missed. We're hoping that enough people surrounding him can cause him to panic and cause him to not fully focus. Besides...those powers of him are troublesome." After all, it's a known fact that her brother can create multiple portals. What if he surrounds himself with them and can simply enter whichever he pleases to let him escape?

"Well, do try not to cause damage to the city all of you." Bronya said.

"Ha! Cause damage to the city? You think the brat will give us trouble?" Veliona laughed. "It's just gonna be a lot of us trying to trap him and restrain him that's all. It won't be any fighting because let's be honest here, he doesn't have any combat experience whatsoever."

"Indeed he doesn't." Void agreed with Veliona. "Even if he did gain combat experience depending on what he did in that other world he can go to, he's probably slightly stronger than the average human male... I doubt he's as strong as a Valkyrie and even a Valkyrie in training."

"Enough you two." Himeko frowned as she shook her head. "You shouldn't belittle your brother and friend like that."

"We're just being honest." Veliona said as she shrugged. "F/N isn't the fighter that's why we're saying there won't be much fighting."

"Yoo-hoo! Sorry, we're late!"

"Ah, you've certainly gone all out on this huh?" Void asked Himeko as she looked at the newcomers who arrived. "Are you sure you're not trying to kill my brother?"

"Your mother will have my head should she find out we didn't use enough to capture him. Besides, you're acting as if you didn't have the look of chasing him down as soon as we located him when Bronya got his message." Himeko smirks. "It was only because we told you to stop before you did anything that you didn't go chasing him off."

"Well then, when will we be leaving?" The newcomer asked with a smile as she then looked at the other person next to her. "And how long will it take?"

"Given we're quite far from the city if we take our time it should at best take an hour." Bronya said as she opted out of the traffic footage and changed the screen to show a map. On the map was a blinking red dot indicating F/N's location. She blinked as she noticed it stopped moving. "It looks like he stopped at...a bowling alley?" She tilted her head in confusion at the location once she zoomed in. She then changed to a nearby traffic camera by the bowling alley quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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