Chapter 7

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"Mei-Senpai!? What are you doing here!?" Kiana was shaken as she turned around and looked at Mei who stood behind her out of the blue. "Who's monitoring if you're here?"

"Bronya." Mei said as she walked toward Kiana and stopped once they were close to each other. "I wished to help as well. Sitting on the sidelines and watching didn't sit right with me... So I decided to put matters into my own hands."

"I see." Kiana nodded as she turned around and looked at the path that Venti told her to take to reach Liyue. She must arrive at Liyue if she wishes to reach Sumeru is what he told her. "It's gonna be a lot of walking... Liyue is quite big from what Venti told me."

"You know the path we're supposed to take?" Mei asked as she stood by Kiana's side and looked ahead at the path.

"Of course! We just have to go southwest from the Dawn Winery. He said that from there we go to the stone gate and we should see a wide scenery of land and mountains alike."

"You didn't forget any important information did you?"

"Hmm~ Nope!" Kiana shook her head at Mei who smiled at her antics. "Venti told me to beware of enemies out in the wild. He said that there's a lot of treasure hoarders that roam at Liyue."

"Treasure hoarders?"

"Basically outlaws!" Kiana said with a grin. "He said to be careful but let's be honest, if it's just a couple of criminals then it shouldn't be a problem hehe~! Ooh! Since they're treasure hoarders does that mean they have some goodies on them? W...we can be rich if we find anything valuable on them!" Her eyes beamed up at the treasure that they might find and all the profit that might come along the way!

"I think we're getting sidetracked here. We're not here for treasure." Mei looked at the girl next to her unamused. "Besides, most of the treasure they might have must be stolen from people they've robbed."

"Mm... I guess you're right about that." Mei sighed with relief to see that Kiana understood— "But some of the treasure they have might be from salvaging too!" That relief instantly fell as she found herself frowning at the girl. This "adventure" is gonna take a while. She was about to walk forth but paused as an incoming call alerted both her and Kiana. The two of them looked at one another and blinked.

"Does Bronya have something to say?" Kiana asked her.

"Only one way to find out." Mei answered the call as soon as she placed her index and middle finger to her ear. "Did something happen, Bronya?" Kiana also placed her fingers against her ear to hear in on the conversation.

["Apologies for calling you. Is Idiotka listening in?"]

"You can ask if I'm here without being such a prick about it!" Kiana heatedly replied to Bronya.

["Someone is feisty I must say. Do watch that mouth of yours. You don't want your mother hearing you speak such language."] Bronya remained unfazed at Kiana's words.

"Did something happen?" Mei asked as she butted in on the two so that Bronya may get to the point of why she is calling them.

["Yes. Something indeed happened. Which is why I asked if Idiotka was also listening to the call because this is something that also relates to her."] Bronya's voice transmitted through them as the two Valkyries looked at one another and blinked.

"Me? How does whatever happened have to do with me?" Ignorant that whatever happened somehow relates to her, Kiana asked with ignorance.

["Well...your parents have caught wind of the fact that we traced the location of where F/N is because of Sirin and Bianka who told them..."] Bronya simply said.

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