Chapter 4.

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The sun rises and the four bananas did as well.

Banana was looking in the mirror, adjusting his bowtie and practicing his winks.

The nephews kicked his door open.

" Good morning Uncle! " The three said.

" Good morning, you guys seem happy. What's up? "

" It's payday! "

" Oh, right. " Banana pulled out some money from a cabinet and handed each boy a hundred dollars.

" We'll go to the store in a bit, I have something to do. "

" Okay, thanks Uncle! " They said and scurried back to their shared room.

Peel and Middle looked at the Oldest Nephew. " What's the plan? " Middle asked.

Oldest grinned. " Well, I could buy a gun and--- "

" What! " Middle stopped the Oldest from finishing his sentence.

Peel looked confused, but he didn't care about what his older brothers were whining about.

" Fine. They wouldn't let me anyways. " Oldest let out an angry sigh.

" We'll just ruin whenever Pear and Uncle are together. "

" Alright! " Middle shouted.

Banana peeped through the doorway. " What's with the shouting, Middle? "

" Sorry Uncle. "

--- time skip cuz I'm lazy ---

It was a nice day at the park, dogs were eating grass and birds were being annoying.

Pear sat on a wooden bench, he was awaiting someone. A certain yellow someone who happened to walk up and sit right by Pear.

" Hiya Pear! So, what did ya need? "

Pear blushed. " Nothing, I just wanted to give you this, idiot. "

" A flower? It's pretty, thanks! " Banana took the gift

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" A flower? It's pretty, thanks! " Banana took the gift.

" Yeah, whatever.. "

Pear smiled to himself, Banana took notice of this uncharacteristic smile.

" Look whose smiling. "

" Who? You? "

" Nooo.. you! "

" What?! " Suddenly Pear's smile turned into a embarrassed frown.

" You should smile more, it looks cute on you. I mean-- not, no. It does--- "

Pear rolled his eyes and looked at Banana. " You're an idiot. "

" Whatever, Grumpy. "

" Don't call me that.. "

Banana stuck his tongue out in a playful way then laughed to himself.

Pear blushed and looked away from him.

" Eww! They definitely LIKE-LIKE each other! " Middle said.

Peel shook his head in agreement.

Oldest sighed. " I used 10 dollars to have a guy pour water on that rotten Pear. "

" Oooh! That's cool! " Middle cheered, the three peaked from behind the trashcan they were hiding behind. " Well get on with it, Apple! "

Some random Apple who got paid to do this poured the water on Pear then dashed away.

Pear just sat there, soaked but he didn't seem to care.

" Oh my! " Banana grabbed a handkerchief out of nowhere and wiped Pear's face.

" Geez, sorry that happened. "

" Eh, I'm used to it. " Pear smirked then frowned again.

" Why does he care so much? It's just a little water. " Pear thought, he blushed as Banana got him a towel to dry off with.

" Thanks.. " Pear grumbled, Banana smiled.

" No problem. "

I lost motivation

I lost motivation

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Fruits Being Fruity! (Pearnana🍐×🍌)Where stories live. Discover now