Chapter 9.

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" Should I call him? No.. yes? Shit. " Pear grabbed his phone and called Dancing Banana, cause fuck it.


" Seriously? "

" Hey um.. I have a question. "

" Yes? What is it? "

" Do you uhh.. wanna go to that new milkshake place--? "

" Hmm.. sure why not! "

" GREAT! I mean.. nice, see ya later-- " Pear hung up.

--- the next day ---

After the show had ended and one person got sent to the hospital for third degree burns, Banana met up with Pear and the two walked to the milkshake place (( idk what to call it💀 ))

Banana and Pear sat down, Banana smiled. " Thanks for this, it's kind of you. "

" Uh yeah.. " Pear's face got red.

" Hey, wanna hear a joke? "

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" Hey, wanna hear a joke? "

" No.. y'know what. Sure why not. Maybe your jokes improved. "

" Okay so, the moth goes to the doctor and he's talking about all his problems and the doctor is like ' Shouldn't you go to a therapist? Why did you come here? ' and the moth says ' Because the light was on. '

Pear snickered a bit.

" Eh? What was that? You laughed? " Banana teased.

" What! No, of course not. That joke was.. horrible! " Pear crossed his arms and refused to make eye contact with D.B

" Awh.. that's so cute.. " Banana thought.

" Sorry for the wait, what can I get y'all? "

" Pear! What do you want? "

" I'll just get a vanilla shake. "

" Okay! Let's share it! Two straws with that please! "

The waiter nodded and walked away.

" Share it?! What! "

" What? You don't wanna share it with me~? " Banana smirked.

Pear looked away from him. " This idiot.. he's doing this on purpose. "

The waiter came back and sat the vanilla milkshake on the table with two bendy straws.

" Thanks! " Banana took a sip of the shake. " C'mon, Pear. Take a sip, it's good! "

" Ugh, fine. " Pear tried the shake, just then the three nephews who had followed the two there peaked out from a bush.

 " Pear tried the shake, just then the three nephews who had followed the two there peaked out from a bush

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" You guys see this?! They're totally in love! " Oldest said, Middle and Peel sighed.

" Pear seems nice, he's just a bit of a grump. " Middle stated.

Peel nodded. " I think Middle is right. "

The Oldest nephew groaned. " Look what I got! " He picked up a big rock from the ground.

" Woah! Put that down! " Middle whispered, he tried to get the rock out of Oldest nephew's hands.

" No way! " The Oldest nephew snatched the rock back.

" You wouldn't! You couldn't! "

" I would! I could! "

Peel grabbed the rock and threw it far away.

" Hey!! " The Oldest nephew pouted.

" Thanks Peel. " Middle and Peel had a fist bump together.

" Sorry about tha-- Oldest? " Middle looked to his side but his big brother was gone.

Banana sighed happily. " I just wanted to say thanks again, this is very sweet of you. " Banana grabbed Pear's hands and smiled.

" Y-You're welcome.. " Pear looked away, this Banana was making him an absolute mess.

Suddenly, the Oldest nephew pounced onto the table. Vanilla milkshake splashed into the couple's faces.

" Oldest nephew?! What are you doing here! " Banana shouted, he was shocked.

" I don't trust this rotten Pear! He's gonna hurt you uncle! I don't like him! " Oldest nephew cried, Middle and Peel ran up to the three.

" What? Hurt me? " Banana responded, confused.

Peel grabbed napkins and cleaned the shake off of his uncle's face then Pear's.

" I just.. got worried that he would hurt you cause he hates you-- " The Oldest nephew started to tear up.

" He doesn't hate me, why else would he take me here? "

" I-I don't know! "

" Sorry that this happened, Pear. I should get going.. " Banana picked up his nephews and walked away.

Pear just kinda sat there shocked and upset.

bruh that was a lot of words💀

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