Chapter 8.

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--- continuing from were they were at the mall ---

" Two cannibals were eating a clown and one of the cannibals says ' Does this taste funny to you? ' "

Pear sighed. " Really? "

" Yeah, really. " Banana stopped hopping and let go of Pear's hand.

" I gotta go get my nephews from the play center before one of them stabs a kid again! Be back! " Banana skipped away cheerfully.

" What the fuck-- " Pear just sat there, he waited for Banana to come back.

About three minutes later, Banana came back with his nephews behind him.

" Now, Oldest nephew. Don't cha 'member what happened last time you stabbed a kid? "

" Yes uncle. " Oldest groaned.

" Don't try it again, or you'll go to.. kid jail! Heya Pear. " Banana stopped and the four of them looked up at Pear.

" Heyyy.. "

" Carry us! Carry us! " Middle and Peel kept repeating while circling Pear.

Banana sighed. " I'll pay you? If you carry me to! "

" Fineee. " Banana hopped into Pear's arm as the Oldest nephew climbed onto his head, Middle and Peel grabbed onto Pear's free arm.

Banana kept cracking puns, Middle and Peel laughed each time. Oldest nephew was giving Pear a sour look the whole time but he never noticed.

 Oldest nephew was giving Pear a sour look the whole time but he never noticed

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" Okay, we're at your studio. " The four bananas hopped off, Peel and Middle ran inside.

Oldest stood there, glaring at Pear.

Banana took out some money and paid Pear. " Love y-- I MEAN-- thanks! " Banana ran away quickly.

The Oldest nephew walked up to Pear.

" Uh, what? "

" You listen here, you hurt my uncle and I'll... gut you like a fish! "

" Geez, calm down kid. "

" No! I refuse. If you hurt him, I'll be there. Remember that now. "

The Oldest nephew walked away, following his uncle and brothers into the building.

The Oldest nephew walked away, following his uncle and brothers into the building

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Fruits Being Fruity! (Pearnana🍐×🍌)Where stories live. Discover now