Chapter 5.

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Banana was back in his room, preparing for the show to start.

There was about 20 minutes or so until it did.

He span around in his chair, like those spinny chairs.

He straightened his bowtie and practiced his lines.

" What tomfoolery will I commit today? Maybe fall down the stairs? No, skateboard? nope. "

Banana kept thinking. " Ah, I know! I'll just enter normally. "

" Hmm.. " Banana grabbed out a piece of paper and wrote his number onto it.

" Just to tease him, cause I can. " Banana hopped up and skipped to the the gift shop. He saw Pear there, he tiptoed up to Pear than hug attacked him.

" BOO! "

" BAH! Banana?! " Pear jumped then turned around. " That wasn't funny! " He crossed his arms.

" Sorry I'm not sorry!! Have this. " He handed him the paper and ran off.

Pear looked at it, his face got red quickly. " His number! " 

The show had started, Banana opened the doors, he winked and hopped to the stage. There was three contestants.

" Did we invite you here or did you just wonder onto the stage? Oh well, contestants are contestants! "

SHY_MUGGY (( guys it's me 💀 )) picked a category and got the answer wrong.

" Car battery! " The announcer said.

" Wait wh--- " SHY_MUGGY then got crushed by a car battery.

The show went on normally, some idiotic Apple tried to do a backflip, quite pathetic seeing as he failed.

The show ended and credits rolled, D.B hopped away cheerily back into the doors.

" That went well. " He said to himself, he skipped to his room and grabbed his phone. He hoped, nope. PRAYED Pear actually tried to text him.

After an hour or so, a ding rudely interrupted while Banana was doing his eyeliner (( he just trying to look good lol )) he messed it up.

Banana sighed and put the eyeliner down and checked his phone. " OH MY GOSH!! IT'S HIM!! HALLELUJAH! " Banana squealed then quickly texted Pear back and changed his contact name to " Pear<3 "

He then looked back at the mirror. " Oh right. " He grabbed a wet wipe and wiped the mistake away. He fixed it.

" Looking good! " He winked at himself then checked his phone again, Pear had responded.

Banana got the idea to ask Pear to dinner, he typed and retyped the " wanna go out to dinner? I'll pay! " Out multiple times, he was extremely nervous.

But he sent it and quickly turned his phone off. About five minutes passed and Banana sighed.

" I failed.. again. " He frowned until his phone ringed. " Oh! He answered! " Banana picked his phone up, and saw that Pear agreed. " AAAAAH! YIPPEE!! "

I'm excited to write the next chapter, I have so much time I don't know what to do with it so don't be surprised if it comes out today :)

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