Chapter 6.

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(( bruh I just love writing about these goofballs💀 ))

Banana got ready for his date, he touched up his eyeliner and eyeshadow. He was excited, very excited. He was just hoping he didn't screw things up, he grabbed some money and ran out. He had Boardy watch his nephews, he told Boardy if anything happened to them..

He would beat him to death with a car battery. But if nothing went wrong, he'd pay him.

Banana hopped away happily, he texted Pear the location of the restaurant.

Banana waited for Pear to get there, fruits kept coming up to him for his autograph and he signed about 13 before Pear walked in.

" Pear!! Pear! Over hereee!! " He waved his arms around like a idiot, Pear sighed and sat down at the table.

The both of them were blushing and not making eye contact with each other.

The both of them were blushing and not making eye contact with each other

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Banana decided to strike a conversation. " I'm glad you made it... "

" Yeah, I have nothing else to do anyways. "

" You um.. look nice.. "

" Who? "

" You! " Banana sighed.

" Oh.. uh..thanks. "

Fruits were looking at the two.
" What's up with them? "
" Is that Banana's boyfriend?! "
" Awh.. that's adorable. "

Banana gulped, he tried to ignore them. The waiter walked up. " What can I get you two? "

" Water, what about you dear--- I mean Pear! "

Pear eyed Banana. " I'll just get (( some type of alcohol )) "

" Alright, your drinks will be here shortly. " The waiter walked away.

" You drink? Why? " Banana questioned.

" Why not? "

" Oh. "

" Hey.. are you wearing makeup? "

" Makeup! Uh.. yeah- " Banana got embarrassed, no one ever really noticed he wore any.

Pear chuckled. " Wow, I thought you were confident with your looks. "

" I am! Makeup just makes me look prettier. " Banana pouted, his face was red with embarrassment.

The waiter came back with their drinks.

The two sat awkwardly, glancing at each other occasionally.

" Uh.. Pear? You mind if I try that? "

" What? My drink? "

" Well, duh. What else would I be talking about? "

" Yeah, sure. " He slid the alcohol to Banana. D.B took a small sip, he grabbed a napkin and spit the drink into it. " Bleh! That's disgusting! " He stuck his tongue out in disgust.

Pear took his drink back. " I assumed you would do that. "

" How could you drink such a bitter liquid! "

" Cause I can? " Pear drank the rest of his drink while Banana chugged his water to get the taste of the alcohol out of his mouth.

Pear laughed. " It's not that bad. "

" It is that bad. "

The waiter came back. " Refills? "

Pear nodded along with Banana.

" Hey, wait. Can I get the (( insert fancy food here ))? " Banana asked, the waiter smiled and said she'd be here back with his food and their refills.

" What the hell did you just order? "

" Uh.. food? "

" Damn fancy people. "

" Hey! I'm not fancy, I'm just rich. "

" Yeah, how are you so rich? "

Banana froze, he laughed nervously.

" Nevermind. "

After that, the rest of the date went quite well. Pear got drunk and Banana made a bunch of jokes, unsurprisingly Pear laughed at them because he was well, drunk. Banana was confused, he didn't know anything about alcohol.

Banana helped Pear up and helped him walk.

" What's up with you? "

" Shit, it's the alcohol.. "

" Oh. You can stay at the studio with me tonight. "

" Uhh.. okay.. "

The couple walked there, Banana sat Pear on the couch. Banana sat down by Pear.

" You have a nice room.. "

" Thanks! " Banana grabbed Pear's hand and just held it.

" What.. the fuck are you doing? " Pear's face turned red quickly.

" Just.. holding your hand. " Banana looked away.

Pear fell asleep soon after, Banana got up and grabbed a blanket. " D'aww.. he's so cute! " Banana gushed.

" I'm sure he won't mind if I lie with him.. " Banana laid down right next to Pear and covered them with the blanket.

gay as hell💀

Fruits Being Fruity! (Pearnana🍐×🍌)Where stories live. Discover now