Chapter 14.

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--- Pear POV again!! ---

I sighed, sitting on the bleachers for Banana's idiotic game show.

I only wanted to see him, just Banana.

A small smile creeped onto my face just thinking about him, fuck.

He hopped through his doors and onto the stage.

He looked at me and winked?



I honestly felt like screaming and exploding.

I just know my face is red right now, this asshole.

I honestly just watched him the whole show. I didn't care about anyone else.

The show ended, unfortunately.

But maybe not..

I pulled my phone out and texted Banana.

(( Pear, Banana ))

Hey Banana, could you meet me outside?


Yes of course! Be out in a minute :)


I walked to the parking lot and waited for Banana to arrive.

" Hey Pear! " He smiled, I felt like melting.

" H-Hey.. " I stuttered. GREAT.

He put his hands behind his back and smiled awkwardly.

That was cute.

" I have a question. " We both said at the same time, damnit. What did he wanna ask me?

" You first! " He quickly added, so that's great.

" I um.. was wondering.. if you.. would l-like.. to be.. m-my-- boyfriend? " I stuttered out quietly.

" Hmm? " He didn't hear me? Great..

" UGH! I ASKED IF YOU'LL... BE MY BOYFRIEND! " I shouted then quickly covered my mouth, I uh.. oops.

He stood there, shocked and probably disgusted.

Then he smiled..

" I-I was gonna ask you the s-same.. "

Really? He had feelings for me to? Well, duh. I mean why else would he kiss me?

Banana hopped into my arms. " Of course I'll be your boyfriend! " He kissed my forehead and laughed.



Fruits Being Fruity! (Pearnana🍐×🍌)Where stories live. Discover now