Chapter 16.

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(( hey everyone, this is going to be a very short chapter and the last. I have something else in mind though, I was thinking on doing a Pearnana one shots book! Of course, I know I'm definitely not the best at writing but I enjoy it and try to get better at it. Enjoy! ))

-- Pear POV! --
I opened my eyes and thought.. What the fuck? Where am I?

I turned my attention to my sleeping boyfriend and smiled.

" Banana, wake up.. "

" Hmm? " He opened his eyes slowly and looked at me.

" Hey sleepyhead. "

" Hi Megamind. " He laughed at his dumb joke.

" We should get back to your nephews. "

" Yeah, right. I'm sure hoping they weren't to mean to Announcer. "

I lifted Banana up.

" Woah! " Banana looked at me and smiled widely.

I blushed and the two of us went back to his studio.

(( It was short but I warned that already. Anyways, thanks for all the support I love you all/p. I never expected this book to get so popular, I honestly thought I was gonna unpublish it after chapter one! But I'm glad I didn't, I met a lot of great people from this book. Anyways take this art I made :D ))

(( Bye bye now! ))

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