Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

    As soon as Lu Yue finished speaking, Liang Shen also fell silent.

    Although at the beginning he really wanted Bai Long to help mark Lu Yue so that he could get through the feverish period, he also knew that this was a transaction without any emotion involved.

    But when he thought that Bai Long might really be planning to make extra money, Liang Shen was still very complicated and subtle.

    How should I put it, this kind of hard-hearted A is indeed a perfect transaction partner in a sense.

    But for an omega who has been marked as being in a dependent period, it is really pitiful to meet an alpha who can even make reasonable companionship during the dependent period a chance to earn extra money.

    "Forget it, it doesn't matter whether she is here to earn extra money or if the cycad tree is blooming. In short, she can come if she wants to, and we don't need to find ways to take the initiative to meet by chance." Afraid of Lu Yue's wild thoughts, Liang Shen pretended to be relaxed and shrugged his shoulders to comfort him

    . The other party's depressed mood can be seen with the naked eye.

    "However, today may not be suitable. After all, you are going to go through the discharge procedures. Why don't you wait until tomorrow, because tomorrow is just the weekend, so you can make an appointment for a meal or something." "At that time, you can add

    her Contact information, this is a reasonable requirement of the dependency period, you are a legal transaction, and she will be responsible to the end after you give the money." "You are too

    stubborn to save face, sometimes it is better not to take face too seriously, otherwise you It's easy to get a second fever after this kind of situation."

    The man's suggestion was reasonable, but Lu Yue didn't respond immediately.

    He sat there with downcast eyes, his long eyelashes trembling, casting a light gray shadow on the lower eyelid.

    After a while, when Liang Shen thought that the other party had acquiesced to his suggestion, Lu Yue pursed his thin lips slightly and spoke in a deep voice.

    "Didn't you say you asked me to stay for another day or two to observe and observe?" "

    ...Then I'll stay for another night."


    Liang Shen opened his eyes wide, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

    What did he hear?

    The workaholic who lost his temper a few days ago and wanted to go back to the company quickly said that he wanted to stay in the hospital?

    "Oh no, didn't you hear what I said clearly just now? I didn't mean that you won't meet, I mean tomorrow. Brother, it's just one night. You close your eyes and then open them. You are so anxious Is it?"

    "She has a part-time job tomorrow."

    Lu Yue also knew that this was not good for him, but he had just finished marking, and it was the time when the dependence period was at its worst.

    It would be fine if Liang Shen didn't tell him that Bai Long wanted to come over, but now that he knew it but couldn't see him, his heart was very itchy.

    Her part-time job at the coffee shop takes a whole day on weekends, and if she can't see her today, she will have to wait even longer.

    Liang Shen suddenly regretted that he had asked Bai Long to make a temporary mark for Lu Yue.

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