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Early 1970, Bonnie started dating Rick Marks. Rick even asked Bonnie to join him on tour with his band, The Winters.

Bonnie : How could I possibly say no?

Barbara : Oh Lord, Bonnie would not shut up about her rockstar boyfriend.

Beverly : I had never even heard of The Winters until Bonnie had brought them up.

Brian : We'd heard of Rick from Bonnie of course, but none of us had ever actually met him.

Bonnie : I had a vague idea of what the reaction to going on tour with Rick would be, so I decided to invite Rick over for one of our family dinners so everyone could get to know him first.

Beverly : The first time we met Rick was when he showed up at our door on a random Tuesday evening and asked if he could take Bonnie on tour with him.

Bonnie : I never said it was my best idea.

Brian : Our mom was ... not impressed. Neither were Barb, Bev and I, to be entirely honest.

Bonnie : Salads were tossed that evening.

Beverly : Naturally, we all cornered Rick and started interrogating him.

Brian : Sometimes you can tell when a guy is a dick and Rick was just one if those guys. I knew the whole polite and mannerly bullshit was just a facade.

Beverly : Things got a little heated.

Barbara : Bonnie hadn't even figured out what she wanted to study in college. We weren't going to let her throw her life away over some boy.

Bonnie : I never wanted to go to college. I made that very clear.

Brian : After Rick had left, Bonnie went up to her room without a word.

Barbara : For once in her life, she kept her mouth shut.

Bonnie : I wasn't throwing a tantrum over not getting to rendezvous across the country with my boyfriend. I was grieving the loss of an opportunity to really do something I really wanted to do and that, of course, was to be a musician. I wouldn't have been able to learn how to do that in college or by staying in that house. I explained this to each and every one of them and, clearly, none of them had listened.

Brian : That would be the last time we saw Bonnie for a while.

Bonnie : I understood everyone's concern, even at the time, but if I had listened to them I wouldn't be where I am today.

Barbara : When we woke up the following morning, Bonnie was gone.

Beverly : There was a note left on the kitchen table that said 'Deuces x.'

Bonnie : [Shrugs] What else was I supposed to say? I planned on coming back after the tour.

Brian : Bonnie did not come back after the tour.

Bonnie : The plan changed after I was told not to come home.

Barbara : Bonnie called the day after she left as if nothing had happened. Enough is enough, so I told her the truth.

Bonnie : I was told that I was a disgrace to the family, I had brought nothing but disappointment and pain to their lives and a bunch of other shite that was implied but not specifically said to me up until that point.

Beverly : [Tears up] If Barb had told us that Bonnie had called the day after she left, we might still have our little sister.

Brian : It wasn't until much later that we found out about the phone call. Too late, even. If we had known about it, we would've been more inclined to go looking for Bonnie.

Beverly : We were under the impression that Bonnie didn't want to come back.

Barbara : I have my regrets, but that day is not one of them.

Bonnie : Leaving that place was the best decision I had ever made.

𝐑𝐡𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐦 | 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now